Chapter 42

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Kelsey had never been as happy as she was the next morning. She was surprised she didn't feel tired, or sore. Gage had made love to her until the sun had started to rise, then with a growl he'd carried her to her own bed saying if she stayed in his, they'd still be going at it at noon and he had three jobs to complete.

She had breakfast with Rayne and Devin, Gage being long gone, but then apologized and headed down to the shop to see if she could help.

When she got there, the guys were neck-deep in repairs that had to be finished by the end of the day. Ignoring the heated look from Gage as his eyes tracked her every move, she'd told him to put her to work.

The look he shared, told her he was reliving every second of their time together, just as she was while trying not to let her eyes roam all over his body. Tormenting him with her mouth was added to her to-do list as she watched his large chest rise and fall, no doubt scenting her just as she was him.

Finally, he'd given her a huge grin and sent her out to help Blair, Jake and Gary where they were struggling to replace half an engine some newbie operator had all but blown up.

An hour later she was wishing she'd stayed in the house and found something to do. She understood that the guys were essentially still adolescents at heart on a good day, but if they dropped one more not-so-subtle insinuation about her and Gage being together, so help her, she was going to feed them a wrench.

Wiping the sweat from her brow, she shifted and looked up into the cab Jake was hanging out of. "Try it again."

Nodding, he ducked back in and turned the engine over. It caught for a second and then choked out again. Waving at him to kill it, she waited until the purr of the ignition went off.

Pulling the screwdriver out of her pocket, she leaned in and began making minute adjustments.

"Gage is in one hell of a good mood today," Jake said louder than necessary looking at Gary. "I haven't seen him smile this much since..."

"Ever," Blair finished for him with a smirk.

Rubbing the back of his neck, Gary nodded with a smug smile.

"What did you do to him, Kels?" Jake continued. Glancing up from under her lashes she hoped he caught her drop-it look. He didn't.

Winking at Blair he grinned. "I'm thinking you should do it again, twice, maybe three times for good measure."

Gary chuckled along with Jake.

She waved her hand to motion him to try the engine again. He did. After a second the engine rumbled to life. Kelsey listened carefully to make sure there were no hesitations. Happy it was running smoothly, she signaled to shut it off.

"Great work," Jake said as he climbed down. "I'd forgotten your talent is in making anything you touch purr so sweetly."

Clamping her teeth together, she gave him a brief smile. Blair gave her a hand down and then handed her a rag. Exchanging the screwdriver for the piece of cloth, she focused completely on her hands for a moment. "So," she began, keeping her eyes shielded from all of them so they couldn't see her thoughts, "I've been giving this mating thing a lot of thought."

Jake snorted. "Is that what you call it? Thought?"

Glancing briefly at him, she smirked, raising her brows dismissing his pathetic quip. "Yeah." Looking back down, she feigned a shrug. "I was thinking I should make sure Gage is the one." She noted that all three were quiet now, she looked at them innocently.

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