Chapter 36

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god ive never done so bad in school im never gonna be a biomed engineer

anyways hopefully i surprise u enough today 😉😉😏

enjoy 🥰

Aurora's POV

Cold air bit into my exposed arms. Conversation around me buzzed, foreign words and their rough undertone seeping unspoken threats into my ears.

I couldn't move my arms. They were bound together by rope, scraping horribly against the splintering wood of the chair. My legs were tied up, too.

My mouth, however? Free, for whatever reason- maybe they wanted me to confess something. Instead, I took the advantage, and without even opening my eyes, I screamed.

A body piercing scream that rung throughout my body and shivering fingers, down my back and into my toes as I felt it reverberate across all the walls and the voices around me faded into silence.

"I mean, she tried."

A man's laugh boomed. "No fucking way he didn't use that pretty mouth for something else."

I ignored the comment.

Again, he. Who is this, 'he'?

I opened my eyes, and then realized they were blindfolded only when black filled my vision. Shit.

I felt the heat of a body near my ankles, and then the rag slipped off my eyes. Sneering, I drew my eyes up the body of a man- he looked no older than nineteen or twenty- with piercing brown eyes, a square jaw, and no doubt, the prime build of a Russian man. The guy who dragged me out of the gas station- this was him.

He put a finger under my jaw, tilting it to either side before nodding in approval. I internally gagged at the feel of his oily skin, as if he'd been fixing a car just moments before. I jerked my head away from him.

"Certainly a choice. Though I wonder," He squinted, "you seem too temperamental to be his favorite."

I gritted my teeth. "Unless you feel like letting me know who this 'he' is, I'm gonna continue screaming."

He took a step backwards. Dragged a chair from the side until it was across from me, and then sat down with his arms resting on top of the back support. He gestured with a hand.

"Go on."

I clenched my jaw and decided to look around instead. I expected to see the remains of a warehouse, tacky and musty, but instead, numerous rusty bolts, headlights, and parts of engines filled corners of what seemed to be a very old garage.

Preying eyes of other men landed on me, causing bile to rise up my throat. Not once did I look into any of their eyes. Not because of the fear of what they'd do to me, but because of the fear that whatever I'd find lurking in them would cause me to sputter out the last of my energy, which I didn't have.

Just then, a clogging, potent smell clogged my nostrils. Some type of fragrance- so familiar that the memory of whoever used it was on the tip of my tongue. I closed my eyes. Musky, strong, and ice-cold.

The scent disappeared just as quick.

My eyes shot open, and the same man looked at me with a peaking glint in his eyes. He laid out his hand, and as if realizing my own were wound up tight, he gave me a soldier's salute instead.

"I'm Isaak."

The smile he gave me was warm, sticky, and as fake as my will to live.

My hands clenched into fists. "So incredibly nice to meet you, Isaak."

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