Chapter 1

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up top are today's vibes😊


2 Months Later

Aurora's POV

After a week of non-stop nerves and jittery, yelling-induced decorating, the day was finally here.

Standing in the middle of dance floor, glitter stole my attention from every which way, disco balls and balloons and cutlery and wine glasses all reflecting underneath the dimmed out LED's. The bar sat in the back dressed up just as well, golden and silver mirrored strings of confetti weaving in and out of the stools and counter. A snack table with a mountain of pastel pink cupcakes popped out against the matte black tablecloth. On either side were hand-made glittery decorations, pearls and black diamonds providing a sleek yet fun contrast against the bright neon-y dance floor and all the lights filling the room.

In the very corner was another smaller table, on top of which sat a old, glitter-adorned telephone. However, this one was different. I had thought of the idea first, when thinking about how I maybe wouldn't get to spend as much time as I wanted with everyone before I had to leave. The telephone was there to leave messages, either a goodbye one or a simple greeting. After the night, I would grab each little disc people had recorded through and put it in the phone to play it back. Against everything my sister had done, I was pretty proud of the idea.

"I did a great job, didn't I? See, this is exactly what my decorating skills were meant to be used for."

My sister Adriana walks up next to me and joins in taking in the colors and shiny knick-knacks around us, an annoyed sigh escaping her once I finally turn and wrap my arms around her tightly.

"Thank you so so much. This is exactly what I was going for."

"Yeah, well thank the Lord you have such an amazing, heaven-brought older sister like me."

I continue hugging her.

"Okay. Now back up before your makeup gets messed up. I didn't spend hours on those diamonds just to be rubbed off by my silk."

The little gems on my eyelids barely felt like anything, but looking in the mirror to my left I could see the sparkle twinkle in my reflection. She was right, my makeup did look good. Amazing, even. Truth is, I'm not really the one that goes for bold fashion choices. No, that was my sister. Her sexy, sparkly, black cocktail dress that laid like butter on her skin was a great example. Me, on the other hand, I decided to go for something more me-themed but also revealing enough to be considered proper dress code for a club. More specifically Nikolas's club, Hellraiser. That man still had the emotional range of a teaspoon to me, but lately I did notice him giving me the smallest, rare, hint of a smile whenever I came over to spend time with Adriana and Layla. Considering how I jumped to conclusions when I first saw him that one night at my house, his ease to act more.. human around people other than my sister who he was so unashamedly obsessed with, was pretty leveled. I was grateful that he was letting me use this place, one that he owned, just for the sake of my benefit. I was leaving soon anyways.

My flight to leave for California was in a week from now. College was calling my name, even if the anxiousness to be far away from my family for the first time had me up at night every single day. Kingsworth was the school's name, one my parents had so hesitatingly chosen in relativity to the connections with people inside the school. Even after months of convincing, never-ending arguments, and yelling directed towards me had my parents warily let me click submit on my college application. And suddenly here I was, a week away from a six hour plane ride into a different, totally foreign state across the country. To a place filled with new people with different personalities, most of which would be a breath of fresh air to talk to once knowing they had no stupid, dangerous connection to the mafia. Leo, my other brother only a year older than me, was hitching along with me, the reason for which no one had told me. He did not give a single fuck about education, and was ready to drop out the second after finishing his senior year. However, I knew part of the reason. He was my supposed 'guardian' for those three years I would spend there. I was also strictly aware that there were multiple security guards there with positions commanding themselves to be by my side at all times. I couldn't argue against that, not when my parents had already allowed so much.

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