Chapter 7

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sum more hotness today 🌚🌚

enjoy babes

Aurora's POV

The sand beneath my feet is warm, not scorching like when it's a mind-warping, ruthless Summer day. A bigger relief is the wind, that provides much-needed comfort against the bare skin of my legs and mid-riff.

Barely any people are here, probably due to the fact that the sun was setting and the water was getting too cold to swim in. For me, the water would still probably be considered hot. Californians make me wonder how they would survive the cold, harsh winters back home in New York.

Mikhail's presence burns my side, but I don't turn. Not because I can't face him because of what happened earlier, but because I simple don't feel like seeing him right now. A wonderful sky of colors cascades across my sight, the sun slowly descending just at the horizon. Strokes of pink, orange, and yellow stretch alongside the darkening blue, and I take my time admiring all of it. The wind starts to blow harder, making a chill spread across my body. It felt wonderful.

I hear the flick of the lighter, and then see the cherry-red end of a cigarette light up my peripheral. The wind catches smoke and blows it across my sight, ruining the beautiful painting I was still taking time to admire.

"You're polluting the sky."

"I know."

"Stop polluting the sky."


I reach across and grab it from his hand, taking it in between my fingers. I've had my fair share of cigarettes, especially when stuck in a continuous loop of practically living with five grunge-composed men with no shame when it comes to damaging lungs whatsoever. It was smoke in my dorm room day and night, no harm done because of the alarm Kaiden tore out the second we got our room.

I put the paper in between my mouth, ignoring his heated look when he sees my lips in the same place his were just a second ago. Taking a long drawl, I put the roll down and breathe out a puff of smoke.

"You're polluting the sky." He says.

"I know."

"Stop polluting the sky."

"No." I put it back in between my lips and continue, seeing the corner of his lips tip up and ignoring the heady feeling it brings me. Or maybe it's just the nicotine, slipping into my veins and raging fire through them.

The sun's practically drowned out now, the only orange and yellow visible just above the ocean line far, far away. I look up at the sky, gazing at the numerous, visible stars dotting the navy expanse. In New York, with the air pollution, stars were never visible, not with the giant trucks, factories, and cars filling every square inch of the city. I look down at the cigarette in my hand, and then back up at the sky.

I snuff it out with my pointer finger and throw it out in the nearest trash can. Which, I mean, could be Mikhail, but I'm not sure he would appreciate ash in his hair. Even though I really would.

"Why are you actually here?" I say, my feet sinking into the cool sand with each step I take to get back to my spot. His head turns, and our eyes meet.

I wait in silence for a few seconds.

"I was bored." Even with the lazy, flat tone of his voice, I can't help but think that his words are just a cover-up for what they really mean. I can't believe him, not when he practically cornered me at my school and then coerced me onto a date.

He squints at me, and then gestures to my hands.

"Close your eyes. I have a surprise for you."

"A surprise? After such an amazing date?" I make sure my sarcasm is as clear as the stars in the night sky.

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