Chapter 31: The Dementor

Start from the beginning

"It's on his suitcase, Ron."


"Do you think he's really asleep?" Harry asked, looking at the man.

"Seems to be." Hermione replied. "Why?"

"We gotta tell you something."

Harry then closed the compartment door to make sure they weren't listened on.


Later that night, the thunder was booming and it was raining as the Hogwarts Express was passing by a lake. By now, Joni and Harry had finished explaining to Hermione and Ron what Mr. Weasley had told them.

"Let me get this straight." Ron said. "Sirius Black escaped from Azkaban to come after you two?"

"Yeah." The twins said.

"But they'll catch Black, won't they?" Hermione asked, now nervous for both of them. "I mean, everyone's looking for him."

"Sure." Ron said. "Except no one's ever broken out of Azkaban before and he's a murderous, raving lunatic."

"Thanks, Ron." Joni said sarcastically. "That's surely going to make things easier for us."

Hermione frowned and took Joni's hand in hers, rubbing her thumb against his knuckle to try and assure him things will be all right.

Suddenly, the train screeched, and everyone noticed it was starting to slow down.

"Why are we stopping?" Hermione asked. "We can't be there yet."

"No way." Joni agreed. "Something's up."

He then got up and opened the compartment door and leaned to look outside, and he saw many others did the same.

Harry was about to get up, but the train then suddenly moved violently, which caused him to sit back on the seat. Joni literally flew back, and he pumped against Hermione, while the door slid closed.

"What's going on?" Ron asked, starting to feel scared.

"I don't know." Harry said. "Maybe we've broken down."

"If that's the case, they'd need to check the train more--" Joni was about to joke as he was recovering, but stopped when he looked and noticed him flowing back had caused him to lean against Hermione, his right arm over her waist and their faces were inches away from each other.

The two sat silently for few second, looking at each others eyes before they realized what happened. Joni let go and sat properly, and the two blushed heavily.

"S-sorry about that."

"It... It's alright." Hermione voice came out more as a soft whisper, and she bit her lip.

Joni was glad that Harry and Ron were distracted by the trains sudden stop, otherwise he'd be teased relentesly about this later. Suddenly the light in the train cut of.

"Ouch, Ron. That was my foot." Hermione said as Ron leaned towards the window to look outside, which caused him to kick Hermione.

"There's something moving out there." Ron said, and the lights kept flickering, before they all shut down completely.

"I think someone's coming aboard."

"It can't be Black, can it?" Joni asked nervously.

The train rattled again, and the teenagers we're really starting to get scared. They noticed they could see their breaths, as the air was getting colder. The twins kept looking outside while Hermione was now leaning against Joni, taking a hold of his arm with both hands.

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