Chapter 10. Dreamwalking

Start from the beginning

"Tanek is dead," meanwhile, the dragon said, interrupting my thoughts. "You are not his child, yet, you Dreamwalk."

"Uh, Dreamwalk?" I echoed confused and the dragon inclined his head as he pierced me with his eyes again.

"The 'cloud' state you're in now is called Dreamwalking," the black creature explained. "It allows you to cross space and even time if you are experienced enough. That was the gift of Tanek. Apparently, the power is yours now."

"Cool," I grinned inwardly. "I get to be a cloud once in a while!"

"There are two ways to inherit this power," the dragon continued, ignoring my little outburst of joy. "One – to be the progeny of Tanek and the other – to be granted it by Tanek himself."

"Uh, the latter one," I murmured in response and Blacky as I had dubbed him nodded.

"So I have concluded."

"Great, so I Dreamwalk," I summarized and tried moving in my ball-like state. It wasn't that easy, but hey, I needed to do something more than just float around in my bubbly state, right?

"I heard rumors of Tanek granting his powers to a mere human, but I figured it was just... rumors," the dragon said as he watched me whirl around myself in the air. I was having trouble controlling this Dreamwalking ball or whatever. I mean, why do I turn to the left when I want to go to the right?! Is everything reversed here or what?..

Still, my musings over my inability to move were cut short as soon as I heard him call me 'mere human'... I did my best to turn to him with my façade half. Did balls even have a façade side?

"Mere human?" I exclaimed angrily as I did my best to glare at him hatefully. I think I failed in that.

"Yes, mere human," the dragon hissed with deep despise in his voice as he narrowed its carmine red eyes on me.

In my fit of anger, I managed to jump up and down as I retorted, "Oh and look who's talking! A mere worm with wings!"

"Excuse me?!" Blacky flapped its wings up and his head leaned so close to me that I could actually feel his breath. It was hot. Really, really, really hot.

"Uhhh, ah... did I say worm?.. Haha," I laughed sheepishly. "I, uh, I meant... a majestic and proud dragon, uh, of the most, um, um, noble races on this earth!"

To my surprise, Blacky stared at me baffled for a moment and then he laughed, letting out a loud roar. At least, I think it was supposed to be laughter. Either that or he was trying to kill me by roaring at me.

At that particular moment I wondered if I should actually use this time to run away, but then again, I had absolutely no idea where I was. Yippee. I glanced down to earth again and noticed half of the village was still burning in flames. The other half seemed to be smoldering and the people were rushing around pouring water on the houses. Oh, how could I have forgotten the little village in distress?.. Now my chances at any kind of a reward are ruined! Of course, given the fact that I could actually help in any way in this fuzzy bubbly state. But still, did the attack just end like that so suddenly? But who and why? Was it the bandits?

"Should we help somehow?" I muttered questioningly and the dragon gazed down as he had already calmed down from his roaring fit.

"Ah, so you're as much of a fool as Tanek, aren't you?" he noted and I glanced at him confused.

"But the village-"

"What about it?" his voice rang coldly in my head and I felt like I was suddenly stranded in North Pole or a whole bucket of cold water was splashed over my head.

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