chapter 4

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In the quiet corridors, a strange noise echoed, disrupting the peaceful slumber of the couple

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In the quiet corridors, a strange noise echoed, disrupting the peaceful slumber of the couple. Taehyung and Junghyun lay in their room, entwined like flowers in a bouquet. However, Taehyung abruptly awoke to the jarring sound, his eyes meeting Junghyun's figure beside him. Panic set in as he realized morning had arrived, and he wondered how long he had slept.

As he navigated the morning, Taehyung couldn't shake off the peculiar feeling from the revious evening. It seemed as if an unexplained force had gently lulled him into a deep slumber. he contemplated the sensation, wondering if it was merely a quirk of pregnancy, letting the mystery linger in his thoughts.

Junghyun now next to him, sensing his restlessness, shifted his position, enveloping him in a comforting embrace. Though Taehyung blushed, attempting to break free, his gentle insistence, "Stay still," led to moments of shared warmth. Eventually, he rose, cradling him in his arms, guiding them towards the bathroom, a new day unfolding with a sense of mystery.


In the expansive bathtub, filled with rhose petals, they sat intertwined, their bodies bare. The jacuzzi exuded tranquility, creating a cocoon of intimate moments. Taehyung found himself comfortably settled in Junghyun's lap, his head nestled into his shoulder. Junghyun's large hands sensually caress his thighs fingers running and pinching the tender flesh, a tender touch that seemed to lose itself in the steamy atmosphere.

As his wet kisses marked the junction of his neck, leaving behind red blotches, a shiver coursed through Taehyung. The air felt charged, as if two unseen voids observed their intimate connection from a distant corner, casting a mysterious presence over the shared moment.

Junghyun's hands playfully found their way to the softness of Taehyung's tummy. A spontaneous burst of laughter escaped his lips, a delightful jolt in response to the unexpected tickling sensation. The playfulness swept away any lingering unease, and he found himself lost in his warmth.

As the laughter subsided, Junghyun's touch transformed, becoming more deliberate and tender. His hands moved lovingly across every inch of his tummy, an unspoken promise of care and devotion for the life they were creating together. However, Taehyung gently guided his hand to his swollen lower abdomen.

"Here, yeobo," he whispered, his voice carrying the softness. His delicate hand cradled his jaw, and his lips found a path, leaving gentle kisses along its line. A connection woven in shared glances and the subtlety of touch blossomed into a moment of profound intimacy as he lowered his face to meet his lips in a tender, lingering kiss.

"I am afraid I have to leave soon," Junghyun whispered against taehyungs neck stealing his eyes away frome those precious amber ones, his breath sending shivers down Taehyung's spine as it mingled with the sweet scent of their surroundings. Taehyung's relaxed frame tensed immediately at the mention of Junghyun's departure. The thought of being left alone in the vast manor filled him with an unshakable sense of dread. It wasn't that he didn't trust his mother-in-law, but ever since he arrived, an unsettling feeling had lingered in the pit of his stomach, as if something sinister lurked beneath the shadows, the very grounds they walked on, even among the workers—to be precise the maids.

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