Chapter 3 - Back To His Roots

Start from the beginning

"My name is W.D Gaster. Pleasure to meet you Maisy."

Gaster gave Maisy a nice warm smile, before his expression shifted to a concerned one.

"But if I may ask: what on earth are you doing down here? It's dangerous you know."

"Well it's not my fault... It was dark, and the ground was slippery, and I just. Tripped."

Gaster slowly stood up, sighing as he did so.

"Well it won't do you good out here in the cold. Why don't we go grab some... 'hot cocoa', I think they call it?"

Maisy would slowly get up. Gaster didn't seem threatening. He didn't seem like a bad guy. And he surely didn't seem like he was young enough to fight. So what's the worst that could happen?
Gaster offered a hand to Maisy, in which she hesitantly grabbed, and they made their way towards Grillby's. Up until this point, Gaster thought it was just a bar. He never knew that it also had fast food and, well, basically a lot more things.

They got their meal and hot cocoa and quickly left for the hotel, where Gaster booked Maisy a room. But she wasn't exactly fond of the idea of sleeping alone in a room, so Gaster offered to take her to his house.

There, they began talking, Gaster asking everything he could get to know about the surface, but due to Maisy's young age, it was hard to tell if she was making things up or not. Afterwards, it was getting late, and frankly Gaster didn't have many sheets because. Come on. He didn't need them.
So he offered to take Maisy to a nice warm location. Somewhere where she could rest her head.

They made their way to the lab, where there, Gaster made the only couch comfortable to sleep on. After she was fast asleep, Gaster would make his way down to the lab.

There, he remembered. He remembered the whole reason he even showed Maisy hospitality in the first place.

There sat the corpse of the first human child, in a small tube where he could keep an eye on it. He felt horrible. He had grown so attached to Maisy, as if she were his...

"No. That is wishful thinking."

A crooked grin once more spread across his face.

"Besides, they took everything away from us. What would the difference be if i took a single child?"

Gaster would think for a moment, pondering the thought if this really was worth it. He had no reason to kill the child upstairs other than the fact of science. But the more he thought about it, the stronger a small voice kept pulling him towards the act. And so, he went back up to his workshop, and woke Maisy up.

"Maisy, I have a surprise for you. For being so brave today."

"Mm? What is it?"

Maisy was still a bit drowsy from just having woken up, but quickly got up.

"Just. Follow me."

Gaster gave her a small smile again, but this time, it didn't feel so warm like earlier. It felt... Eerie.
Nevertheless, Maisy followed him into an elevator, as they slowly descended down into the lab. The elevator took a long time. And the longer it took and the deeper down they went, the more uneasy Maisy felt.

They eventually made it down into the lab, where Maisy followed Gaster around the small corridors. Eventually, they made it into a small room, where Maisy stopped in her tracks.

She stared up in horror at the corpse of a child in a tube, wires and lines hooked up to various parts of their body, and in front of the tube stood Gaster.


Maisy was lost for words, staring in horror, as Gaster slowly turned around to face her.

"What's the matter dear? Frightened by any chance?"

"I w-want to leave..."

Maisy slowly began walking backwards towards the exit.

"That... Isn't an option."

Gaster then took out a small pad, pressing a button, the doors behind Maisy suddenly shutting closed. Maisy turned around and began banging on the door, tears now rushing from her eyes.


Gaster began walking towards her, grabbing her by the wrist and pulling her away from the door.

"I'm afraid no one is coming for you, child."

Maisy began thrashing and kicking at Gaster, pulling away and trying to escape.


Gaster let out a scoff, throwing her into the wall and hitting her head against it.

"Nobody does, dear. And yet, your kind left us down here just for that reason."

Maisy sat silent, having fallen unconscious due to the hit on her head, blood dripping from her head. Gaster took this moment to prepare her body for examination.
After a few hours, Maisy slowly began waking up, still dazed from the hit.

"Was that... A dream?"

"I'm afraid not."

Maisy found herself strapped to a metal table, and she instantly began struggling to get up.


Gaster let out a chuckle, as he walked towards Maisy, a long sharp needle in hand, as he flicked it once.

"Are you ready for your exam?"

Maisy was left without words, as she stared at the needle, and then at Gaster, her only reaction being crying, tears began forming in her eyes as she began whimpering.


Maisy then began crying, to which Gaster replied with a raspy chuckle.

"Let us begin, then."

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