Fear - Chapter 21

Start from the beginning

"Sunoo- eat your food." Jungwon urged gently. Sunoo lifted his eyes and nodded, but a chill went through him as his gaze met a icy stare from across the room. He quickly dropped his eyes staring at his food again.

Sunghoon and his friends were sitting few meters away from his seat.

Sunoo's legs shook under the table as he forced himself to take a bite of his bibimbap. It's stuck in his throat, dry and tasteless, he washed it down with gulps of water unable to chew it for long.

"I'm sorry for taking this seat." Niki said noticing the presence of Sunghoon.

"It's okay." Sunoo mumbled through another difficult mouthful of bibimbap.

"We can't always avoid people." he shoved another bite in his mouth, forcing himself to chew. He just wanted this lunch to be over.

Sunoo had told his friends that he had broken up with Sunghoon, but he didn't told them why it happened and what was going between him and Sunghoon.

While eating the food Jungwon and Niki noticed someone approaching them and waved their hands towards that person.

Sunoo looked behind at the person they were waving at, his eyes widening at the person approaching them.

"Wonbin hyung." he mumbled, unable to process what to do.

"Don't let me see you talking to that Wonbin or any boy in campus." Sunoo's hands trembled as he recalled the menacing tone in Sunghoon's voice, his warning echoed in Sunoo's mind.

Wonbin sat beside him, smiling at him but Sunoo didn't returned back, he kept his head down, avoiding eye contact. He could feel Sunghoon's gaze at him.

"I need to get up and leave."
"I need to get up and leave."

Sunoo's heart pounded as he repeated the words in his head with trembling hands, he slowly rose from his seat but the food plate crashed down to the floor.

"Sunoo-" Wonbin quickly reached for his arms, and the deafening clatter had already drawn the attention of every student in the cafeteria, including Sunghoon and his friends.

Sunoo yanked himself from Wonbin's grasp, tears brimming in his eyes as he caught Sunghoon's icy stare, sitting with arms folded glaring straight through him.

"P-please." Sunoo stammered, barely above a whisper. "Stay away from me."

No one spoke as Sunoo stood on the verge of sobs. Jungwon and Niki noticed his sudden change in demeanor, the raw fear in his eyes as he looked back at Sunghoon.

"Sunoo, what happened?" Wonbin asked gently, stepping closer but Sunoo only backed away, shaking his head.

"Please, stay away from me." he choked out, a tear escaping down his cheek.

He quickly turned around and ran out of the cafeteria leaving his friends behind, who glared right through Sunghoon.

Niki's blood boiled as he stormed over to Sunghoon, Jungwon close behind trying to hold him back.

"What had you done to Sunoo hyung?" Niki snarled, slamming his fist at their table.

"Nothing." Sunghoon replied dismissively picking up his chopsticks.

"Nothing?" Niki scoffed as he grabbed Sunghoon's collar, wrenching him up to meet his fiery gaze. The cafeteria went silent.

Jake jumped in to pull Niki off, but Niki shook him loose, teeth gritted in rage.

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