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"UNDERSTAND! This IS NOT where politics comes in to play, this is where power comes in to play, of course those being the same thing." Dr.Gaul laughed and so did the class. Some awkwardly, others genuinely.

It had been the first day assisting Dr.Gaul at the university. An intimidatingly large building filled with power hungry assholes, dying to get a taste of what they think they know.
Each room drained of color. Black and white everything, mostly black, with high ceilings and endless halls.
Dr.Gauls classroom was one of the largest. Intimidating and cold all the time. She had two large classes everyday. Snow was in the second and this was only the first class. My chest hurt thinking about seeing him in here.
After seeing Tigris in the kitchen, I couldn't go back into the living room, or look at anyone. I stayed in the guest room for quite sometime up until this day. Only coming out for food, and only opening the door if it was truly important, unless it was Snow's grandmother, who I let in whenever she wanted to chat. I barely spoke to Coriolanus. I spoke to Tigris more but not as much, and both these interactions had a door between us. Too deeply embarrassed for anything more. I eventually had to speak to him, but the nausea of what had happened made that difficult.

Dorian Smith was in the first class. Every now  and again I would catch him looking at me, and everytime he did, it made my heart flutter out of my skin. He sat the whole class watching me put together Dr.Gauls paper work and change the projector image as she spoke. Despite not being use to tech, I-

"Picked up on things quickly!" I turned around, startled by the sentence. It was Dorian.

"You seem to be learning your way around, I didn't know you were Dr.Gaul's assistant." His presence was so sweet, like he could do no harm.
I must admit that his comment stressed me. "Picking up on things quickly" did not mean the same for him like it did for me. I'm jumping into this entire world completely blind. He of course, doesn't need to know.
"Yeah, it's to help me pay for school." I replied, organizing the last of Dr.Gauls papers.
"Really?! How lucky you are. What classes do you take?"
What am I supposed to-

"Dorian! Let's hurry, we're meeting Snow and Melzabar at the library in 15 minutes." Clemensia had come out of nowhere, and for the first time since meeting her, I was glad she spoke.
She looked me up and down before walking off with Dorian, like I was distracting him.
Odd to admit but hearing Snow's name made my chest hurt.

"I'll see you later Y/n!" Dorian flashed a smile at me along with a wave and disappeared into the hallway outside.
The room had cleared, leaving just me and Dr.Gaul in the room.
"What classes do you take?" Dr.Gaul spoke to herself, proceeding to laugh at the question.

"If only he knew." She said, chuckling.

"Sorry?" I could feel my heart rate go up.

"I'm sure you can imagine that from my perspective, it's not that difficult to see you are not from the district. Unless you perceive me to be unintelligent." Dr.Gaul barely put focus on me, shuffling around and working, the conversation felt so casual.

"Um no! No I would never!" I said.
She slowly walked over to me, hands behind her back.
" You want to know why I haven't had you killed yet?" Dr.Gaul asked. I kept quiet.
"Because the moment I saw you step from behind my pillar, I knew there was something.....important, about you."
I winced at her statement.


"Yes! Important. Like there is something about you that's worth waiting for." Dr.Gaul put her bag over her shoulder, preparing herself to leave.

"And I cannot wait to see what the universe has brought to the capital."

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