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" Be careful, it's hot." I hand him hot coco and a spoon. It never failed to calm me down as a kid, And I figured this would be the moment it would work.
"Thank you." Snow looked around The room like an anxious animal, but with more glee than anxiety. I sat on the other chair. The chair never sat in, there's never company.
"Do you live with anybody?" Snow asked.
"I see. Trying to figure out the difficulty level." I said.
"Of what?"
"You know what."
"Y/n, I'm not going to hurt you."
"Is that what you told 'Lucy?" I replied sharply.
His face hardened.
"Lighten up sweetheart. I'm just pulling your tail."
Snow sipped the hot coco Infront of him and began to stare me down.
"Who is this 'Lucy' anyway?" I ask.
"What were you doing out there by yourself?"
I squinted my eyes at the quick subject change.
"I forage. Berries, nuts, mushrooms. Whatever won't kill me and keeps me full." I said. He didn't respond. He was thinking. It was obvious, painted all over his face.
"Have you always done this?" Snow asked.
"No. My family disappeared throughout the years. The last one left was my brother, he vanished 6 months ago. We moved here together, so I pretty much have been by myself throughout these months." I could see a light hit his eyes. Powerful eyes.

" How would you like to come with me and never have to forage again? You can live well." My eyes squinted at his proposal.
" I never asked, where did you come from?"
" I Thought maybe I could bring you to the capital with me and-."
"You're a capital boy?! What the fuck are you doing out here?" I laughed, and I can tell it caught him off guard.
"I was sent to the military. Peacekeeper." He said.
"How come?"
He was silent.
"Baby, nobody gets sent to the military for no reason." I said. I could see his eyes soften. Every single emotion showed up in his face, which is good, I didn't want to tic him off.
"I cheated during the hunger games." Snow said.
I paused myself.
" That money must've meant a lot to you."
He broke eye contact with me again.
"Yeah. I guess."

" Well, if I go with you, what am I supposed to do? Duck, hide and lie all the time?" I asked.

"You won't have to worry about that as much as it seems." He said, grabbing my hand, with a grip that could kill if it wanted.
" I will protect you."
" You don't know me, snow."
" I don't have to. Something tells me I'm going to need you by my side. I don't think you see yourself." He said.
"You don't 'think' I see myself?" What the hell does that mean.
He nervously chuckled at my response.
"I'm sorry, that sounded bad. I meant you don't really see how strong you actually are."
"What if I do." I replied.

"I can tell you don't."

I hated how right he was.

"What about Lu-"
"I'm sure she'll find her way... I'm sure." His face got serious again.
I did not trust him. Not yet.
But if I wanted a chance to get far in life, he could not know that.
"Can I grab my stuff?"
A smile spread across his face.
"Don't pack too much, I promise you won't need it."

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