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Something about this conversation felt important.
I was crouched behind a large white pillar in what seemed to be maybe an office or lab of some kind. Snow chatted with an older woman feeding something in the water, although I couldn't tell what it was.
"What are the hunger games for?" Even as the woman spoke at a normal volume, her voice boomed throughout the room. An echo of intimidation.
What are the hunger games for was such a question. Depending on who you were, your answer was drastically different. There are obvious answers. There are technical answers. There are deeper answers. I hadn't decided what my answer was yet.

And I did not hear his. But it made me curious. Did Coriolanus Snow think he was predator? If so, was he actually? Or was he just another predator not realizing he was two steps away from being prey?

"And what shall we do about your friend?" The lady said, a little louder this time.
"Friend?" Snow asked.
"The shy young lady hiding behind my pillar." She smiled in my direction.
I decided it was appropriate to step out from hiding and walk slowly next to snow.
"My name is Y/n. Y/n woods." I said, taking a bow.
"Lift your head, there is no need for that." She chuckled, and threw more food into what seemed to be a tank of eels.
"You're a student?"
"Yes! She is." Snow interrupted. Which I was glad, I wouldn't have known what to say.

"Let me guess, you want a scholarship too?" She had a smile I couldn't read.
"Well she is in-"
"I asked her." She glared at Snow, then looked back at me.
"I-I don't expect a scholarship but I planned on going to the Uni." I said.
She glared back at Snow. I looked in his direction. Completely stone faced.
"How did you plan on paying for school, child?"
I panicked. Completely panicked. I had to say something.
" I was thinking about being your assistant." Why in the flying fuck did I say that?.

"Oh?" She replied.
"I'm organized, punctual, great listener, I don't get in the way." My mouth was moving before my brain could have a chance to decide HOW it would move. I could feel Coriolanus Snow looking at me frantically.
The older woman chuckled.
"Is that so?"
"To pay for school...ma'am." I said. She went quiet for a moment, and tossed in more food.

"How do you feel about this, Coriolanus?" She asked.
"Everything she said is true." He made his face solid again.
"Well in that case, let me do an official greeting. My name is Dr.Gaul." She walked over to me and brought out her hand and I took it, too uncomfortable to hesitate.
"And you have a lot to learn."

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