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I had cleaned up 10 minutes after Snow disappeared into his room. He did not put me in an easy situation at all, and then blames me when I take action. The fact that I wasn't immediately taken away by guards should be in good luck for both of us. She trusts him. She trusts him enough to allow him to sneak someone like me into the capital. That to me, is a red flag. Evil feels comfort around evil, and I know that woman is no saint, and neither is he.

I hear footsteps getting louder with each tap, revealing a shirtless snow, leaning against the doorway. I finished up the last bit of dishes, refusing to lift my head.

"You don't have to do that." He said in a low tone.
"Well it's not like you were gonna help me." I reply. The room is so quiet you can hear the air talking to itself.
"I'm sorry." Snow said. I could feel his eyes were burning into me. In an alternate universe, it would've killed me.
I lifted my head but kept my place at the sink.
"Raise your voice at me again, I'll turn myself in and I won't leave out a single detail as to how I got here."
I could feel Snow's energy shift. He was a force. And a strong one too.
"I've never taken kindly to being yelled at by a man. If I'm challenging to you, write about it in your diary, cry, bleed, but do not raise your voice." I said, wiping my hands with a clean towel that was set up next to the sink. Everything here had style, in a neat way.
We made eye contact. It was sharp, and intimate. Uneasy, nauseating. I felt read. Analyzed. Noticed.
"You remind me of a friend." His tone was very calm. It almost confused me not seeing his eyes darting back in forth in panic for this long of a time.
"I hope they drink." I said.
"No, actually. They gave it up when they were 12."
I looked over at Snow, who had a warm smile on his face, and his eyes to the ground like he had thought of a fond memory.
"Really?" I asked.
Snow snapped out of it and brushed off his thoughts, still smiling.
"No, umm, it's a joke they told me one time." He rubbed his hand on the top of his head, like he was finding the switch to reset himself.
He walked over and leaned on the counter next to the sink.
"You want to know why I brought you with me?" Snow asked.
"Because I can't do this by myself."
"Do what by yourself?" I asked.
"Working under Dr.Gaul is going to change my life. It'll be a lot and I need a partner." Snow said, looking up at me. His body was long and curved itself on to the counter.
"You have family." I said.
"Yes. They are big support. But they will not be around me as much as you will." He said.
"Okay, well, who's gonna take care of me?" Snow
Lifted himself up, towering over me and placing both hands on my shoulders.

"I Will of course, right?" Snow said, his face softening.
"You are not going to have time to take care of me." I said.
"Listen. Next week some class mates from the academy are going to the slithers lounge for drinks. I would love for you to show your face. Tigris can fix you something nice to wear." He said.
I did not want to go to this outing. Yes we were under the protection of Dr.Gaul, but I have no interest in lying on the spot for a whole evening. To stuck ups nonetheless. People with a Stick too deep in their ass to realize they are no better then how they actually think of themselves. I gave in.

"Fine. But if one of your little friends says something slick to me-."

"They won't." Snow gave me a reassuring smile.

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