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I ducked behind higher ground, ears covered as he shoots into the sky. Rage has filled him before sanity could, and I cannot figure out what could have caused such a tragic reaction.

The position I kneeled in is all but comfortable, and in my realization of this discomfort, I shift, and leaves crunch causing a silence that was almost deafening.
The man has stopped in his motions to look in my direction, and with his eyes followed the barrel of the gun.
"Shit" I whispered.
I cannot move. Simultaneously he won't stop moving, inching towards what to him must be the target he's been looking for.
"Lucy?!" He calls.
"I KNOW YOU'RE THERE!" He calls again.
The air seems to have gotten colder. The only
Noise is the young mans footsteps coming closer to what is no longer a safe hiding spot.
"My name's not Lucy!!!!"
His eyes grow wider at a voice he did not recognize.
"Who are you?!" He asked.
"Y/n woods!" I can almost hear my hands shaking.
"Have you seen a girl around hear?! Brown wavy hair?! Orange in her clothes?!" He asked, sounding more gentle than moments before.

"Not many people come around here, you're the first person I've seen in a while!" I shout back.
My heart is practically on the ground below me , and nothing makes sense.
I raise my arms in the air slowly, and stand up from my place, stepping out into the open.
The closer look I have of him is beyond what I  thought it would be.
The bluest eyes I could never imagine stare back at me. His hair is blonde and shiny. I can see the sweat and old rain going down his face and neck. It's dampened his shirt.
The moment I move he quickly tightens the grip on his gun. It reminded me of a scared child.
"PLEASE DONT SHOOT!!!" I holler in panic.
He loosened his grip but kept the gun pointed at me.
"Are you sure you didn't see anyone?"
"Sir I don't know what happened, but I am not your enemy, although I'd hate to be the person who is." I nervous chuckled to lighten the mood. He did not chuckle back.
"Like I said, my name is Y/n woods"
I stick out my hand very slowly, in the hopes for a hand shake in return.
"Coriolanus Snow." He said, his tone dry. His voice was very soft and comforting when he wasn't yelling like a psycho.
" Were you shooting the Mockingjays?" I ask.
He breaks eye contact with me and looks at the ground. I pray I don't say anything that could get me killed.
He quickly put his gun down to his side.
"Just a bit of a bad day. I can't find my friend." He attempts a slight smile, yet he moved like a criminal under interrogation.
"Well, I get why your friend wouldn't want to find you, you're trying to kill him, and almost killed me."
"Her." He corrected. He looked to the ground again.
"And I'm sorry about that....I wasn't trying to kill my friend, I just, thought she was in danger. Im protecting her." He said.
"Protecting her?"
We both were silent for a moment.

" Well, I can't leave you out here to go nuts. I live in a cabin not that far from here, I can at least get you water, or food. If you promise to not be so goddamn trigger happy." I said. He squinted his eyes at me, it seemed like a nervous tic.

I began to walk, initiating the journey.
"You coming?"

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