Chapter 9

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I hope everyone had a chance to read the previous update, if not, please do!

Seated on a sturdy patio chair, Aarohi leaned forward and clasped her hands. "All right, what do I need to know?" " was something the astrologer said." "The astrologer? Something related to me?" "Yes, he...," Rishi faltered, then Rhea pursed her mouth and stepped and completed his words. "He said that it would be unlucky for us to live together and embark on our married life until you are married." "What?! What does my personal life have anything to do with yours?" 

"This astrologer, and his ancestors, have been our family astrologers for generations. They have never gone wrong in so many years. I don't want to risk anything, so Rishi and I have decided that we will stay separated until you are married." Aarohi stood up and lifted a palm. "Ok, slow down. Let me get this straight. In the ten minutes that the astrologer was with you, he told you that in order for you to live a happy married life without any obstacles, you would have to wait for me to get married first. And in the ten minutes since then, you've already discussed and decided that you are going to live separately, as if you weren't married, until I get married."

Rishi shrugged. "Pretty much. I guess active recall really does help in remembering things." Rhea glared at Rishi. "Rishi, really?" "Ok, jokes apart, that's the story, Aarohi." "What I don't understand is how or why my life is connected to yours. I mean I've heard of getting married to trees to avoid flaws in horoscopes, but this, never. I'm definitely not a complete skeptic, I do believe in astrology, but neither can I trust every word that every astrologer says. I know, Rhea, that he is your family astrologer, but still, I can't wrap my mind around this." 

Aarohi huffed up at the sky. "Well, since he's decreed that I must get married, did the astrologer mention any particular deadline?" "No, he wasn't that specific, and I suppose, we didn't think to ask too many questions in that moment, either." "Then what exactly did he say?" "Word to word, well he said that we couldn't move without obstacles in our married life until you found your life partner." "Oh, so he didn't specifically say I had to get married. Like pheras and all? So, I could be dating someone, or engaged, and that would be fine?" Rhea pursed her lips as she thought. "Yes, but I do think they have to be your life partner. Not a friend or a temporary fill-in, and definitely no fake fiancés." 

She stood up and clasped Aarohi's hands in her own. "Please, don't try to rush this. Don't settle on someone just for us. Take all the time you need and want. You've already done so much for us, so much so that I couldn't possibly pay you back in this lifetime." "Rhea please, stop it. I only did what anyone in my position would do." Rishi placed his hand on Rhea's shoulder. "Rhea didn't want to tell you. She thought we could cover it up and get by without you ever finding out. But I know you, and I knew that you would want to know." Aarohi nodded and clasped her hands on her elbows. "It's been a long week, you guys get some rest and we'll talk again once you're back from your honeymoon. Actually, don't tell me, you've cancelled that, too. In that case, I suppose there's no point in hiding it any longer."

"Hidingwhat?" Rhea dragged Aarohi over to the couch she and Rishi were seated onbefore. A flare of hope sparked in her eyes. Aarohi knew it was wrong to liewhen it came to something Rhea so strongly believed in, but Aarohi couldn'tbelieve in it. She needed to buy herself time. How could she separate a couplewho were expecting a baby in five months, not to mention a couple that had beenseparated for the past ten years? "As of yesterday, I am engaged." 

"Seriously?But I didn't even know you were dating someone. And your family never mentionedthat you were considering rishtas." "Wow, Aarohi, this is 0 to 360. In the yearthat I lived with you, you've never done anything like this." "Well, there's afirst time for everything. Besides, you had the secret relationship, I thoughtit was my turn." "All right, I have enough sense to recognize a set-down when Ihear one. So, who's the lucky guy?" Aarohi had loads of experience improvisingscenes, coming up with witty comebacks within seconds, but not conjuring fakefiancés. 

"Actually, I wanted to let my family know first, but since this wholesituation came up, I'm letting you guys know." Rhea rested her chin on herhands, with a two-mile smile stretching her lips. "If we guess the name, thenit technically means you wouldn't be telling us. If you got engaged yesterday,then it must have been a guest at the wedding. That narrows it down to abouttwenty possibilities. You've never met any of the guests from my side before,so that wouldn't make sense, and neither would any of Rishi's distant friendsand relatives. Most likely it has to be someone from our community, whichleaves exactly 21 options. Is it Prakash? Probably not, too short. What aboutVikram? Never mind, too much of a party boy. Is it Ravi, or Abhinav, orSanjay? Oh my god, don't tell me it'sAryan. Is it-" 

The words rushed out of Aarohi's mouth without a thought. "Yes,it's Aryan." "I knew I saw sparks flying when the two of you danced yesterday!"Rhea squealed with excitement and squeezed Rishi's hand. "Until now, I wasn'tready to believe you, but if you're really engaged to Aryan, then I guesscongratulations are in order." Rishi stepped around Rhea to hug Aarohi, whichshe only returned half-heartedly.

Ok, guys, let's not judge Aarohi too much here. I know, I'm the author, and I laugh at it, too. But, being a super-helper is an actual problem for a lot of people, and Aarohi is one of them. She doesn't do it for recognition, but she's a genuinely good person who often forgets herself in the endeavor of helping/trying to fix the problems of everyone around her. And I'll definitely be getting more into Aarohi's personality as the story goes on.

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