Chapter 5

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Hey guys! I know this is earlier than usual, but I had some time on my hands, so I thought I might as well go ahead and update. Just a heads up, this is the longest chapter so far. Also, introducing a few new characters. Enjoy!

"Seriously, didi? You're going to watch your ex-husband get married to his secretly pregnant current fiancée whose date of conception occurs during the existence of your and your ex-husband's marriage?" Aadhira had a purely fake smile on her face while she whispered in her older sister's ear. "Wow, that was truly a mouthful of elaborate explanation. After spending your whole life with me, you're finally learning to speak like me. And technically, he's not my ex-husband." "Your diversion tactics are not working." 

"This isn't a diversion tactic, I seriously meant it. But to answer your rhetorical question, yes. I am not only watching, but actively participating in the marriage of my former husband to his pregnant fiancée because they also happen to be my best friend and the love of his life." "I'm still pretty salty that he let you sacrifice yourself for his happiness. In the olden days, the witches would have castrated him for the crime of cheating on his beautiful, talented, loyal, best-in-this-whole-wide-world wife." "Castration, really? Aadhira, I really don't want to argue about this during my best friend's wedding, but first of all, I didn't sacrifice myself, and second of all, he didn't let me do anything because I make my own decisions." 

"All right, I won't say anything else. I'm going to go help myself to some of that Michelin-star food that's being served. Come with?" "No, I'll go check on the pooja and shagun samaan." Aadhira patted her sister on the shoulder. "I'll grab some food for you, too. You can join me once you satisfy yourself in the role of wedding planner. But if you don't come in half an hour, all of your food will be going into my stomach." "Fine, my foodie-in-crime, I'll be there in fifteen."

Aarohi stopped by the groom's vanity room to discuss last-minute preparations and arrangements with Malini. Malini was called out of the room by the photographer, but when Aarohi was about to leave to the storage room, Rishi stopped her. "Aarohi, could I have a minute?" Aarohi turned around and it was almost like déja vu to see Rishi dressed in a wedding suit again. But a few seconds was all it took to register the differences. The different color scheme, the far more elaborate setting, the banked excitement and anxiety lurking in Rishi's eyes. "Of course, what's the matter?" 

"That's what I want you to tell me. I know this is really late, but after months of chaos, I've had nothing but time to think this morning. And I was thinking about you. You have the disadvantage in every way in this situation. Even though your legal status is 'single' because of our anullment, all everyone knows and cares about is that we were once married. You'll be ostracized by society. Legally, you can't demand money from me, nor are you willing to accept anything I want to give you. Are you sure about this? If you say so, I'll stop this marriage now. I'll marry you again, and forever this time. I agreed to marry you first, and after everything I've done to you, you have the right to ask anything of me and I'll willingly do it."

"Are you mad? Pagal ho gaya ho kya? First of all, of all the times you could have thought about me, you chose your wedding day? Second of all, why are you thinking like the rest of society? Our families know the truth and that's all that matters to me. I don't give a flying fig about the rest of society, and should I ever need to, I am well able to defend myself. I don't want you to pity me, or stay under the false impression that by giving me your name you'll save me from society. Third of all, I am very happy as I am, and it's absolute nonsense if you think you can marry me and destroy both of our happiness. Finally, if you even dare speak of something like this ever again, our friendship will be in serious danger." 

"Fine, fine, calm down. I won't say anything again. I do love Rhea, completely, but the guilt just caught up to me." "Oh, it's real easy for you to say 'calm down', but this time, I will calm down. Because I don't want to be an angry volcano during my best friend's wedding. Now go sit back down, have some snacks, and dream about your bride-to-be. Don't disrespect her again by thinking such thoughts." Aarohi pushed him back into the chair in front of the dressing table and adjusted the collar of Rishi's suit. "Now, Malini aunty told me that I have the honor of tying your sehra. So, enjoy your snacks, and let me work my magic." 

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