part 43

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Everyone reached at home and got freshed and jin decided to cook something for yn so she can eat after getting conscious... but he don't have any idea about what to cook... so he called members...


Hearing jin shouting everyone rush to the kitchen thinking something bad happened...

Jimin - what happened hyung?
Tae - why are you shouting?
Jk - did you got a call from hospital?
Hobi - hospital? Is princess okay?
Yoongi - why aren't you speaking?
Jin - YAAH!!! STOB IT!!! How am I gonna speak if you all keep questioning like police??
Rm - jin hyung relax relax what happened?

Jin - I called you here to ask what should I cook for dinner?
Tae - no hyung I don't feel like eating
Jimin - me 2
Hobi - me 3
Yoongi - me 4
Jk - me 5
Jin - yaah I am not asking what you will eat!! WhydontyougettingwhatIamsayingyouidiots!!
RM - hyung hyung relax calm down... are you asking what cook for princess... am I right?
Jin - yes exactly That's what I am trying to say... but these crackheads aren't getting anything...

Jimin - ok ok sorry... so let's cook kimchi rice..
Rm - no she can't eat after the operation... let's cook something soft
Tae - ok then how about vegetable soup
Jin - no she won't eat that
Jk - then how about noodles soup
Hobi - yeah I think it would be better
Rm - ok then let's cook
BTS - NO!!!!
Rm - wae??? I also want to cook something for princess
Yoongi - no we don't want to see our house on fire
Rm - don't worry I can help with little little things... please (puppy eyes)

After thinking members let namjoon to help in cooking... they all made dinner for their princess with so much love... after finishing they all went to the hospital...


Members enter the room where yn was... after seeing yn, their heart aches... her head.. hands were bandage... they slowly step towards yn's bed while crying silently...

Jk - hyung look at our princess... she has lot of wounds...
Jin - why princess you push us? If you didn't push us, you won't get this much hurt...
Yn - I... a..m

They looked at you as they heard your voice

BTS - princess you ok? Are there any pain? You need anything?
Yn - how am I gonna answer all these questions?.. I am fine.. you ok? Did you get hurt?
Jin - no we are fine... you saved us...
Jimin - wait let me call the doctor...

He calls the doctor as he came and checked you...

Doc - nothing to worry you are all good now miss yn... (smile) how you feeling now?
Yn - better but my head hurting a little...
Doc - don't worry it because you got conscious just now... it will be fine after sometime ok... after dinner take this medicine and take rest ok?
Yn - ok
BTS - thank you doctor (doctor left)

After the doctor left... no one speak a word as still nothing settle completely between them... there was awkward silence... yn was looking at the room and saw the food box which had the dinner made by boys... she knew they must be cook it for her but didn't dare to tell because they thought yn might reject what they cook for her... but yn felt bad to hurt them like that... so she......

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