Sad Frowns and Waterboarding

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I kept my hand on Aida's lower back as we descended the stairs, a low ache thumping against my temple as I thought of all the ways taking her there could go wrong.

"Getting cold feet?" She mumbled as she stepped forward to enter the living room.

Heat blazed through my chest as I leaned down to speak into her ear. "Never, princess."

She sighed heavily as she noticed the people gathered in the living room.

Callisto, Cain and Sylvia - the Gallo siblings - were all gathered on a couch looking like the children of Elsa from motherfucking Frozen and the Grim Reaper.

Cain's infamous smirk made an appearance as he eyed Aida. "Well, well," he purred. "What do we have here?"

Aida scoffed as she sat between Natalya and Karina, crossing her legs. Looking so fucking posh and classy even while only wearing my shirt I had to stifle a groan.

"Someone who's way out of your league," she told Cain, her tone suggesting her superiority.

Bloody hell, I was pussy whipped.


Cain grinned wider as he turned to look at me. "A feisty one then?"

Callisto elbowed him in the ribs as Sylvia scowled at her brother.

I put my hands in my pockets and licked my lips as I eyed Aida. "Yeah," I answered Cain, my eyes still lingering on Aida's crazed hair. "The feistiest."

Callisto chuckled, leaning back on the couch and propping her feet on the edge. "Man, I missed New York," she said, tilting her head to look outside at the snow covered gardens.

"I didn't," Cain deadpanned. Sylvia rolled her eyes. "You don't miss anyone, brother dearest."

Callisto smirked. "He misses someone."

Cain glowered at her and probably whispered something about torturing her to death later but I was entertained by the way Aida's head flung toward them.

"Oh?" She implied, looking at Callisto.

The blue-eyed devil smirked and leaned forward, nodding her head. "Oh yeah, brother dearest over there has feelings somewhere under that exterior."

Cain growled at his sister and smacked her shoulder to which Callisto smacked his shoulder right back.

I sighed. "If you two will stop acting like toddlers, me and Cain have some important things to discuss."

Aida scoffed from her place on the couch, her fingers combing through her raven hair. I smirked at her. She glared at me.

Cain sat up straight, looking down his nose at me. My face morphed into a scowl.

"You're ugly as shit when you scowl did you know that?" He said, strolling past me like he was in his own home.

"Is he always this annoying?" I asked his two sisters. Sylvia shrugged. "Even more annoying at home."

"I heard that!" Cain called from upstairs.

"I don't care," Sylvia called back.

"Who doesn't care about what?" Ivan asked, stepping through the threshold. I grinned down at him.

He tilted his head and gave me a huge smile. "Morning Romero," he said, his tone slightly shy. I ruffled his hair. "Morning baby prince."

His grin widened and I could feel Aida's glare drilling a hole through the side of my head.

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