Author's Note

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Hey darling stars:)
I have a huuuuggee announcement to make and that is that my og baby, my first ever published ( on wattpad ) couple, is making a comeback right now.

I'm not sure how many of you are new here - or old but either way hey, stay a while:) i promise it's worth it 🩶

Anyways for those of you who have been following me since last year, "Explosive" was probably the thing you followed me for and thank you, for that and if you're still here, thank you for sticking around.

I don't think I'll ever be able to properly comprehend how much Romero & Aida mean to me like ever? I think they'll always be unmatched in my heart regardless of anything that happened or any other couples I might've created.

On this note I'd also like to list the TW's below so you can get acquainted with them and see if the book is alright for you or not.


- mentions of homicide, manslaughter and other violent, bloody crimes ;

- kidnapping ;

- mentions of domestic abuse ;

- drug use ;

- alcoholism ;

- mentions of non-consensual sex with a minor ;

- arson ( on a human ) ;

- cannibalism ;

- mental illness (es)/mental health rep ;


- cnc !

- breeding kink !

- blood play !

- overstimulation !

- "my wife" !

- voyeurism !

- BDSM !

- erotic asphyxiation !

As I wrote this I realize how forever grateful I am to all the people around me, my endless support systems, and every person reading my books on here, I hope you know just how much I appreciate you. :)

Happy reading guys, me, Aida & Romero will forever be grateful for your love. 🖤

- becca

Explosive ( Bloody Heirs #1 ) Where stories live. Discover now