Oops, I Accidentally Angered a God

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Amidst the dissipating chaos, Kratos, the victorious god of war, stood over Tisiphone. Her malevolent form left only traces of darkness in the enchanted night. The golden sparkles slowly faded, revealing the aftermath of the intense clash that had unfolded within the mystical confines of Hogwarts.

In her final moments, Tisiphone, her once fierce gaze now diminished, whispered with a tone of bitter resignation, "Defiance may be your strength, Kratos, but it will be your undoing." The words hung in the air as the Fury dissipated, leaving behind a lingering echo of her vengeful spirit.

With Tisiphone vanquished, the battleground settled into an eerie calm. Kratos, his blades still glowing with the remnants of divine power, cast a stern gaze over the scene. Atreus and Draco, catching their breath, exchanged wary glances, unsure of what would unfold next.

Amidst the lingering tension, Professor Snape appeared, his silhouette emerging from the shadows. His eyes, as sharp and calculating as ever, surveyed the aftermath of the godly clash. Without a word, he gestured for Kratos, Atreus, and Draco to follow him. Intrigued, the trio complied, and Snape led them through the winding corridors of Hogwarts, the castle itself seemingly acknowledging the presence of the god of war.

They arrived at Snape's office, a dimly lit chamber filled with an assortment of potions and arcane artifacts. The room exuded an air of mystery, a fitting setting for the unfolding conversation.

"Sit," Snape commanded, indicating a set of worn leather chairs. Kratos, Atreus, and Draco complied, eyeing the potion master with a mix of caution and curiosity.

Snape, leaning against his desk, finally spoke. "Explain, quickly."

Atreus, stepping forward, hesitated before stating, "We're not here to cause trouble. We were attacked, and Kratos defended us."

Draco, eager to assert himself, added, "Yeah, we didn't ask for this. That Fury, she came out of nowhere."

Snape, his gaze piercing, directed his attention to Kratos. "And you, God of War, what brings you to Hogwarts?"

Kratos, choosing his words carefully, replied, "I seek no quarrel with this realm. I was dragged into this conflict, defending those who needed it."

Snape, though seemingly unimpressed, continued to scrutinize the god of war. "Defending or causing chaos? Your kind is not welcome here."

Atreus, attempting to mediate, asserted, "We didn't come here willingly. We just want to find a way back home."

Draco, echoing Atreus, chimed in, "Yeah, we're not here to stir up trouble. We're just trying to survive."

The room fell into a tense silence as Snape absorbed their words. The potion master's expression remained inscrutable, his decision hanging in the balance. In the quiet of his office, Snape held the power to determine the fate of Kratos and his companions within the mystical confines of Hogwarts.

"Atreus, Draco, silence. You guys make this thing more complicated. Severus Snape, I knew you were a demigod of Hades, as soon as I saw you from getting out of the shadows. Don't make me kill you too."

Kratos' voice, firm and unyielding, cut through the tension in Snape's office. Atreus and Draco, silenced by the god of war's stern command, exchanged uneasy glances.

Snape, however, remained composed. "Your threats hold no power here, God of War. I have my reasons for remaining in the shadows, far from the intrigues of Olympus."

Kratos, undeterred, continued, "I care not for the politics of gods. I seek only a way back to my realm. Do not hinder my path, Snape."

Snape, with a hint of a sneer, responded, "Your realm and its conflicts are of no concern to me. But within these walls, you will abide by our rules."

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