Olympian Odyssey: Prelude to Hogwarts

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"Come on, just let me eat my olive." Grumbled Kratos. All the demigods were looking at him. Dionysus yelled, "Mind your own business kids or I will give no food to you at all." They all looked away but they were talking about Kratos' power.

Kratos continued munching on his olive, the demigods' furtive glances trailing his every move. Dionysus, attempting to diffuse the tension, chuckled, "What a storm that was, aye!"

As murmurs and whispers lingered around the hall, it was evident that Kratos' display of power had stirred curiosity and sparked discussions among the demigods. Despite Dionysus' attempt to steer the conversation, the air hummed with the unspoken allure of Kratos' formidable abilities, leaving a palpable sense of intrigue hanging in the atmosphere.

Kratos rose from his seat, his demeanor holding an air of reluctance as Chiron materialized before him. With a grumble, he voiced his discontent, "What do you want?"

Chiron, the centaur and mentor of the demigods, met Kratos' grumble with a calm and composed demeanor. "Kratos, your power has drawn attention. It's not something easily overlooked in this realm," Chiron remarked, his tone a blend of understanding and caution.

Kratos, though visibly perturbed by the attention his abilities had garnered, remained silent, his stoic expression revealing little.

"Your presence has stirred a curiosity among our young ones. They seek guidance, understanding," Chiron continued, casting a knowing glance around the hall.

Kratos grunted in response, an indication of his reluctance to be involved in matters beyond his preference for solitude.

Chiron, undeterred by Kratos' reticence, pressed on, "Perhaps sharing your knowledge, guiding them in honing their strengths, could ease the tension."

Kratos' expression remained unchanged, but a flicker of consideration appeared in his eyes. The notion of guiding young demigods in honing their abilities seemed to strike a chord within him, despite his outward reluctance.

"You children never mind your own business, do you?"

"Curiosity is the nature of the young," Chiron replied with a wise and measured tone. "But your powers, Kratos, invoke wonder and intrigue beyond ordinary bounds."

Kratos huffed, his demeanor showing a mix of irritation and a hint of resignation. "You children never mind your own business, do you?" he muttered, more to himself than anyone else.

Chiron regarded Kratos with a knowing gaze, understanding the weight of the attention Kratos unwittingly attracted due to his extraordinary abilities. He offered a reassuring nod, acknowledging the challenge Kratos faced in navigating this newfound attention.

"Very well then. I am Kratos. God of War. Killer of the Zeus. Destroyer of the Olympus. Champion Of Ares, God Killer, Killer of Athena, Killer of Hades, Killer of Poseidon, Killer of Ares, and Killer of the Fates. I took my vengeance. Once a wise man told me that my daughter is not your key. Unfortunately, I killed him children of Hephaestus."

Kratos' declaration echoed across the hall, each title a testament to his tumultuous past and the battles that defined him. The demigods exchanged whispers, their faces a mixture of awe and trepidation as they absorbed the weight of Kratos' history.

Chiron, ever the composed figure, stepped forward, his gaze meeting Kratos'. "Your past is etched in the annals of legends, Kratos. But here, among these demigods, your tale bears lessons beyond the might of a warrior."

Kratos' expression softened slightly, his eyes revealing a flicker of remorse. "Knowledge can be dangerous sometimes," he admitted, the weight of his past evident in his words. "But do not be afraid. I'll not kill any god. That much of vengeance is my regret."

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