Ch.10 - Florida Woman

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"You need to talk to Jotaro."

The pair of you - you and your best friend, Noriaki Kakyoin - were sat on a bench in the school courtyard by a tree, by yourselves. 

In response, you pouted defiantly , kicked a pebble and pressed your lips firmly around the straw piercing the cartoon of juice in your hand, opting to look at the ground rather than the violet eyes of your red-haired friend.

"I mean it" Noriaki Kakyoin emphasied, giving you a knudge. "Look, I know you are upset but it is unfair for you to be mad at him. Neither of us knew that your dad works in the Speedwagon Foundation or that he was involved the hunt for Dio, okay ? And if Jotaro had told you, before all of this, about Stand powers, would you have believed him?" 

You huffed stuffed the carton into the pocket of your skirt , then crossed your arms and turned your face away from his trying eyes. "Well I have no choice but to make sense of this madness since it now somehow involves me" you replied bedrudgingly. "The least you could do is answer my questions."


"First of all, what exactly are Stand powers ?"

"A Stand is an entity psychically generated by its owner, referred to as a Stand user. It possesses abilities beyond that of an ordinary human, which, depending on the Stand user, can be used for good or evil."

For a moment, you were just quiet. "So ... what about your Stand ?"

"My stand, it is called Hierophant Green. My Stand has a large number of abilities to assist it in combat and scouting. However, it is relatively weak in direct hand-to-hand combat, as a trade-off for its great distance-based abilities" Noriaki Kakyoin explained. "Jotaro's Star Platinum is a close-range Stand, with a basic reach of only 2 meters from Jotaro's body, but with incredible strength, speed, and precision. I have had Hierophant Green since birth. Some people are born with them. Jotaro got his Star Platinum less than a year ago - right before his life was turned upside down by immortal vampire trying every possible way to kill him -"

"An immortal VAMPIRE ?" you repeated, immediately sitting up. "So Dio wasn't just some guy ? What kind of monster were you guys fighting ?"

Noriaki sighed deeply.

"The full story goes back over a hundred years: that is how long Dio and the Joestar family had been enemies to eachother."


"Dio was a cunning villain of little conscience that had an insatiable hunger for power. After becoming a vampire and later a Stand user, he gathered many minions around him. Tragedy struck when Jotaro's mother fell ill due to her own Stand manifesting from DIO's influence. Without the necessary willpower that her son and father possessed, Holly began to slowly be killed by her own Stand. Mr Joestar and Mohammed Avdol determined that Mrs Kujo would die unless DIO was killed. She was put in the care of doctors from the Speedwagon Foundation, and that is how it all began. I was originally an enemy brainwashed and sent by Dio to kill Jotaro -"

Sitting up in shock, you gasped so suddenly that you almost fell off the bench. 

"Jotaro and I got into a massive fight. I was knocked unconcious" Noriaki paused before letting out a small chuckle. 

On the other hand, not only were you apalled but you were also stunned. "You and Jotaro got into a fully physical fight and he knocked you out ? And the two of you are now best friends ?"

"The thing is, Y/n" Noriaki told you; "I was a stranger that had just tried to kill him, but Jotaro carried my body all the way to his home. He and his grandfather then somehow figured out that my brain had been manipulated by the influence of Dio through a fleshbud directly attached to my brain - and I woke up while Jotaro was removing it, even though it was trying to infect him too."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27 ⏰

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