Ch.5 • A big mistake (rewritten)

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Five days passed since Aiura and Jotaro eventually left [Y/n]'s hospital bedside sometime after Kakyoin and Chiyo had left in a different taxi . The ride home was silent : except when Aiura later offered her thanks to Rosas. It was now almost ten o'clock on Saturday morning . Dressed in a cropped vest and high-waisted blue jeans, Aiura entered through the front gates of the Kujo residence and rang the bell . The front door was soon answered, and the green-haired gyaru girl was met by Holly Kujo.

The girl promptly dipped her head in respect as she greeted the delinquent's mother. "Good morning Mrs Kujo. My name is Aiura Mikoto . Jotaro and I are mutual friends through Y/n L/n, my best friend ."

Holly's face brightened up. "Oh , okay ! Sorry , I was just a bit confused. I'll let him know you're here" she added, before returning inside .

Moments later, Jotaro came to the front door . Not forgetting his seemingly-iconic black cap with the two gold pins, he was wearing a simple black t-shirt , giving plentiful view of his well-exercised arms and dark grey knee-length cargo shorts.

He discreetly looked Aiura up and down, his green eyes swiftly scanning her round top down to the flared ends of her jeans .

"Hi " Aiura said with a friendly smile .

"We'll leave in two minutes. Come in ."

Jotaro and Aiura soon sat at the back of the taxi , leaving the middle seat between them empty . Fifteen minutes later, the driver pulled over to the side of a Metropolitan street, and the two teens got out . After Jotaro paid both their fares, he followed the gyraru girl into a flower shop.

"Can I get these ones , please ?" Aiura told the shopkeeper as she pointed to some [favourite colour] blooms in a box , while Jotaro stood by behind the two women.

"Well those ones are 4,900 Yen , dear" the old woman said ; "but I'll give them to you for 2,400 Yen instead ."

"Oh no no , I can pay the full price-"

"I'll even put these in the nicest box for you" the old woman continued happily , carefully removing a large bouquet from the pot before crouching down behind the desk . They watched as she found a large circular [any colour] pot and carefully fitted the flowers inside. "2,400 Yen please , sweet heart ."

Before either of them could say another word, Jotaro stepped forward and slammed 5000 Yenn cash on the counter .

"Keep the change ."

The two teens got another taxi to Tokyo General hospital, where Jotaro signed the visitor's book at the reception on their behalf before they embarked in another quiet ride inside the elevator to the fourth floor .

Aiura placed the circular bouquet of flowers at Y/n's hospital bedside, before stepping back with a small sigh and hugging her arms against her torso. A moment later, the gyaru girl felt the warmth of one of Jotaro's large hands settle on her back as he stood next to her .

"You're doing great, Mikoto ."

A tiny grin appeared on her face . "Oh, thank you-"

"I used to think you were a bitch ." he then continued, calmly tucking his hands away into the pockets of his cargo shorts as he turned his back towards the green-haired girl .

"You bastard ... By the way , I was meaning to ask you before all of this if you had plans for Y/n's birthday . Not that it matters now, since it's tomorrow ... " she trailed off with a sad tone .

"When Y/n wakes up " Jotaro said, turning around . "We'll do something . Here's my number" the delinquent said after he'd scribbled it down onto a page in a little black notebook he'd kept in his pocket . He tore a corner off and held it out to Aiura .

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