You don't give him a look, and he didn't seem to mind. Too busy staring at his nails as you glare with absolutely rage at the floor. Taking a breath and turning around with a fake smile.

"Honey." His ears perked up as he looked at you, your eyes narrowing as he responded in a warm tone. "Yes, my deer?" He leaned forward with a soft smile. You smile back with closed eyes, hands clenching and unclenching.

"Haha, what the hell," you grit through the teethy smile, trying to maintain a smile. "Whatever have I done now?" He tilted his head as your eyes twitched.

You try to hold back the venom of insults as you take a breath.

"Real question is what you haven't done, where. The. HELL HAVE YOU BEEN?" You whisper yell, poking his chest as his eyes crinkled up, you watch him stare down at your face. Scrutinizing it, probably because it's been over 7 years of him not seeing you. The corner of your lip twitching as he hummed in thought.

"Well, I just went on a little vacation. My apologies for not informing you" he smiled apologetically as you held back ripping those teeth out. Let's see him try to be threatening with dentures.

"Oh you expect me to believe that horseshit. It's obvious you've been doing something. I honestly thought you fucking died?!" You hiss as his lips thin. Both staring quietly at each other quietly as he looked away first. A very obvious shame as he hums.

Under lip moving up in thought, eyes flickering here and there. Before landing down on you again.

"Yes- well, I unfortunately can't tell you any of that yet. But don't worry my darling, you'll know soon enough" he grabbed your hand, planting a kiss to your palm. You stare unamused as he tried buttering you up with peppering kisses.

"I heartily apologizes, y'know I love you. Not a day has passed without you plaguing my thoughts"

You stare unconvinced as he poured out what there was from his nonexistent heart.

Halfway in you rip yourself away from him before he can start kissing you again, as you cross your arms. His eyes widened in shock, pupils snapping to you before he squints in offense.

"You're lucky our souls are bound together. Because if we weren't I would've divorced you by now."

His brows furrowed as his smile got tense. He took a step forward. Hand raising like he was ready to grab you if you walked away.

"Dearie, don't say that," he leaned down to your height as his face got dark. "Your job is to sit and look pretty. Not worry about stuff" he pressed his finger on the wrinkles between your brow.

You slap his hand away.

"Don't tell me that. Because I remember it being that this was an equal agreement. I'm not your pet, but your spouse." He stared blankly. Before standing straight and cackling.

"Oh geez. You seem to be forgetting." He raised a finger "As my partner, you follow my directions," he put his raised hand to his chest.

"When I say you're staying. You say yes. When I tell you to stop complaining, you say, yes. Whenever I ask you something you say yes. Not whatever you're blabbering on about!"

Your eyes narrow as your fist clench.

"Shut it, because no matter how much you try to push me around. At the end of the day, I own you as much as you own me"

He blinks in surprise, pupils getting smaller and darker. Letting those black voids with nothing but a red circle adoring as background to radio dials appear.

"Excuse me," his voice was heavily filtered. Like he was speaking through a tin can. His body getting bigger, but you stood your ground. Trying to pose more menacingly. Make yourself look bigger than you were, like some animals do when they feel threatened.

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