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Bang Chan stared at the sketch of a disfigured human face and then at its artist. 

The sketcher shrugged. "I swear, i just drew what the lady told me to."

Chan turned to the said lady with a raised eyebrow. "Mabel...are you sure this is what he looked like?" He held the paper upto her sight.

The woman looked up from staring down at her nails and gave the artist a thumbs up. "Yup, seems accurate enough. Well, maybe he was a tad bit prettier, though."

He heaved a long sigh before pulling her along by her arm. "You're coming with me." 

"W-Wha?! hell nah! Chan, i love you, but i have a nail appointment scheduled today! a damn expensive one at that!" 

The man ignored her completely. "You're going to come along with me and find him with your eyes. He lived in this neighbourhood, right? it covers within a mile radius. and if he's left the city, we could still track him with security footage or-"

"Or...we could go to his home?"

"oh, sure, that could work too."


"Felix? coming?"

"mm, give me a minute." 

He sprayed a shit tone of perfume, waving the perfume bottle around his body like a wand as it sprayed out its intoxicating contents. 

Giving the mirror a quick last glance, he straightened his tuxedo and tugged on his tie. He tried on a grin which dissapeared as he cringed at himself. "Why am i doing this again?" he murmered to himself.

"because you have no other choice." The other replied with a friendly smirk. "Our gang's been so worthless that it has to send people to work for another gang so we don't go bankrupt."

"Do i have to remind you to not to answer me when i'm talking to myself, Seungmin?" Felix turned back to look at the man, sparing him a frown. 

"Infact, yes. To remind you that you still talk to yourself out loud like a toddler." Seungmin replied, chuckling at his own words.

"I think its help me with my conversational skills." 

Seungmin scoffed. "And your narcissism."

"And, my narcissism." Felix repeated with a low chuckle. "You're getting too feisty for a sidekick."


(you have been blessed

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(you have been blessed.)


─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Scars Into Stars ღ hwang hyunjin *ᴮᵒᵒᵏ ᵗʷᵒDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora