Episode 5

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Charlotte's pov:
The next morning when I woke up no one else was awake, it was really early. I blame going to bed so early last night however this does make it easier for me, I put on my shoes grab the picture and frame and head down to reception. It wasn't a big shock to me when I found no one down there, I rang the little bell and a man came from out the back. " What can I help you with?" Receptionist. " I'm with the school trip, This picture got knocked off the wall by accident last night, the picture is fine it just needs a new frame. I can pay for damages or a new frame whatever you want." Charlotte. " It won't be cheap." Receptionist. " I have a credit card, I can use that right?" Charlotte. " Yes with ID." Receptionist. Its then that I realise I left that in the room. " Can you give me 5, I just need to go and get it." Charlotte. He nods and I run back upstairs and into the room making sure to quietly shut the door. I grab my bag and fing my card wallet which has everything in before going back down to reception and to no surprise the scene is just the same. " Okay I have my ID and my credit card." Charlotte. I pay for the damages before going back upstairs when I get back to our room Naomi is awake. " Morning are you okay?" Charlotte. " Im alright, I thought you weren't talking to me." Naomi. " I wasn't but I realised i was being an idiot, do you remember what happened last night?" Charlotte. " I remember there was a confrontation at dinner and I remember running out but nothing after that..... did I have and ADHD outburst?" Naomi. " Yeah you did but its okay you didn't do any damage I was able to grab you before that happened you just threw all your clothes about, I cleaned them up whilst you were sleeping." Charlotte. " You should have left it i would have done that this morning." Naomi. " Yeah well its done now. I wanted to apologise for how I've been acting I should have just spoken to you, im doing that now and I'm listening." Charlotte. She looks nervously over at Imogen and Sahar. " Their asleep, they can't hear you." Charlotte. " But are they? I know you two are awake." Naomi. Just like that Imogen and Sahar sit up. " We didn't want to interrupt." Imogen. " We can go if you'd like?" Sahar. " No you two need to hear this but could you go get everyone else because I don't wanna go over this twice." Naomi. " I'll go get the girls, you go get the boys?" Sahar. " Sounds like a plan." Imogen. They both head out i just sit down next to Naomi, she rests her head on my shoulder I've missed this.
Naomi's pov:
When Imogen and Sahar get back the girls follow but not the boys. " I got no answer from the boys they must still be asleep." Imogen. " Then Tao and Isaac are going to have to find out some other time." Naomi. " You don't have to do this Naomi." Tara. " I do, there's something you 4 need to know what Ben put on his story wasn't true not all of it. I'm going to take you back to when we went back to school after the Christmas holidays. I dont know what Charlie wants you to know so all I'm going to say is me and Nick saved Charlie from Ben. Fast forward to Harry's 16th birthday party we were at the hotel and you know what Harry's like he wouldn't stop going on about Nick reuniting with Tara. He dragged Nick to talk to her at one point and I didn't know wether to stay with Charlie or go with Nick, I decided to go with Nick Tara was my friend too Darcy shut it down pretty quickly but when we went back towards Charlie, he was gone. Me and Nick split up to look for him I didn't want to but Nick said we would find him easier and quicker, I eventually found him down a corridor with Ben. Ben had him against a wall so I got in the middle I only shouted Charlie's name and Ben let him go. I told Charlie to go and find Nick he didn't want to but eventually he did. I thought I had thought of everything but I hadn't.... I was now alone with Ben. He grabbed ny wrist and led me into this room that locked.... h-he.... r@ped me that night." Naomi. I broke down and Darcy wrapped me in her arms, I also felt a hand going up and down my arm but i don't know who that was. " Y-you can't say anything to anyone i don't want people to know im not ready for people looking at me like you are now." Naomi. " We can do that, we can keep it between us." Sahar. " Yeah she's right have a cry now but then we put on our game faces." Elle. " How have none of you 5 killed Ben, im guessing Nick and Charlie know and you two." Imogen. " Trust me its been hard but its not what Naomi wanted thats why we tend to stay away from him." Darcy. " We should get ready for the day." Tara. " Game face time, I'll just go get dressed and then we can all go down together." Charlotte. They leave me with Imogen and Sahar whilst we all get ready, Elle goes to get the boys whilst the rest of us go down for breakfast. We get one of the big tables. Elle comes down a little later and tells us that the boys weren't ready we start a conversation before Mr Ajayi and Mr Farouk come over. " Naomi, feeling better?" Mr Ajayi. I must look confused cause Charlotte speaks from the side of me. " They came to check on you last night but you were asleep, we almost got in trouble." Charlotte. I gave them a small apologetic smile and nodded my head, he handed me my medication. " Here take this, if you need us at any point let us know." Mr Ajayi. They walked away and the boys finally cane down and took their seats. " Morning girls." Charlie. " Hey Nelson you gonna run out again?" Boy 1. " Just ignore them they don't know what they're on about. Also I'm sorry Mimmi, I wasn't there and I should have been." Nick. " Dont worry about it luckily Charlotte also knew what to do.... I'm fine we're fine lets move on." Naomi. " What is on your neck?" Darcy. We all look at Darcy then at Charlie then towards Nick. Students walk past and start saying stuff mean stuff. " I blame Nick entirely." Tao. " Thats fair." Nick. " It wasn't just his fault I was also involved." Charlie. " Ugh no need for the gory details." Tao. " Agreed." Naomi& Charlotte. " Can we please talk about something else?" Naomi. " Oi, Charlie Spring! Who gave you that hickey? Oh my.... what?" Harry. " I take that as a no." Charlotte. I shoot her the deadliest death stare I can. " Well thats not ideal." Isaac. Charlie just puts his head down as we all start talking about today the Eiffel tower and the Louvre. After breakfast we head onto the coach, someone decided Charlie would be best at the front.... yeah no he wasn't. " Something to be proud about, isn't it? Getting some action." Harry. " Wait is it true James McEwan gave you that hickey?" Boy. " What?" Charlie. " He's the only other gay guy on the trip, so...." boy. At this point Charlie has gone to take a seat. " Leave him alone." Charlotte. " It wasn't James." Naomi. " Did you see that guy in reception, dark hair? Maybe he gave Charlie his hickey." Girl 1. " I saw someone in the gallery." Girl 2. " Leave him alone. Its none of your business." Tao. Me and Charlotte sit infront of Nick and Isaac. Tara and Darcy, Elle and Sahar sitting on the other side one across from me and Charlotte the others across from Tao and Charlie. James and a boy called Louis in the middle of it all across from Nick and Isaac. Ben gets on the coach and ends up behind Tao and Charlie. A coach ride later. We come to a spot not far from the Eifel tower everyone pointing at it and getting excited. " QUIET!!" Mr Farouk. Everyone shuts up and listens. " Now we've all been having fun in Paris, but we thought this morning would be a good time to remind you why we're really here,and that's to practice your French skills." Mr Ajayi. This earns a loud groan from everyone. " Now, we'll be putting you in pairs and giving you some Eiffel tower vocabulary to translate before you start your climb to the top, okay?" Mr Ajayi. " Okay. Starting with Charlie Spring and James McEwan." Mr Farouk. " Whey!!!" Boys. " Hush." Mr Farouk. " Aww its a date." Harry. " Stop it." Darcy. " Shut up Harry." Tara. " Just leave him be." Naomi. " Next up is the one and only trio the Nelson twins and Ben Hope." Mr Farouk. I could have been sick honestly. " Sir swap me with Naomi please? After what happened last night." Charlotte. " She's not on her own with him and it's for 15 minutes if that i'm sure she will cope." Mr Ajayi. I am so not going to cope. This is what I hate schools don't have enough training on ADHD. Nick grabs my hand and we slowly walk forward. " Sir, I don't wanna go with the Nelsons." Ben. " I dont give a rats arse, rude boy. Grow up." Mr Farouk. We walk towards the teachers Nick making sure he's the one in the middle. " Okay next we have Tara and Darcy.... Imogen and Sahar.... Elle and Charlotte.... Isaac and Harry.... Tao and Louis." Mr Ajayi. We find a spot on the grass and start filling in the worksheet me and Nick practically speeding through it. Ben not even attempting it. He then breaks the uncomfortable silence. " Are you happy?" Ben. " What." Nick. " First Charlie, now Imogen. You're the one who told her about me and Charlie, aren't you? Is it your mission to, like, mess up my life." Ben. " You never cared about either of them." Naomi. " You used Imogen for popularity points, and you didn't actually like Charlie. You just liked having control over him." Nick. " What if I said I want Charlie back? I get it. I was a dick back then, but I was dealing with my own shit. Charlie didn't even give me a chance to figure myself out, and then you cane along, and you stole him from me. Charlie really liked me before you got in his head. At least I was nice enough not to give him a hickey where everyone could see." Ben. " Are you quite finished first of all Charlie didn't give you a chance because you literally assaulted him, then you assaulted me he could never have given you a chance after that. Nick didn't get in his head Charlie opened his eyes and saw what you really were. Also it wasn't Nick who told Imogen it was me, me and Charlotte were talking about that post that YOU put on your story and she overheard. If you hadn't had done that we wouldn't have been talking about it and she would have overheard." Naomi. " Okay is everyone finished?" Mr Ajayi. Theres a chorus of yes. " Now, its very hot today, so make sure you take it easy on the stairs and stay hydrated. Come on then." Mr Ajayi. We all get up and Nick says. " Please don't tell Charlie about that I will but just not now." Nick. I nod before we go find the rest of the group. When we get on the stairs Nick and Charlie run ahead. Me Tara and Charlotte are helping Imogen who is scared of heights. " Its fine. I've got you." Tara. " No! No!" Imogen. " Look im infront Tara's at one side you've got railing and mesh at the other side and Charlotte's behind." Naomi. " We won't let anything happen to you, your part of our group now." Charlotte. We get to the top and Imogen is now fine, Darcy however collapses on the floor dramatically we all go over to Nick, Charlie Tao and Elle and Darcy joins us eventually before we get a group photo whilst shouting France. A little later everyone has left its just me, Nick, Charlie and Charlotte. " Okay, this is the most beautiful sight." Charlie. " We need to get a selfie for mum." Nick. The boys take one of just them and me and Charlotte take one of us two, then we ask a girl called Holly to take one of all 4 of us together.  " She's gonna love them." Charlotte. " She is." Naomi. " Hey Nick is that hickey from you then?" Boy. We all look at Nick at the same time, i see him smirk and know exactly whats coming. " What if it was? Are you jealous?" Nick. There's laughter and a chorus of ohh's from below. " I'm not gay." Boy. " Nah leave em alone, lads. Come on. Come on. You've got your own problems." Harry. " Did Harry just stick up for us?" Nick. " I think he did." Charlie. " Weird." Nick. I try to think back then remember who he was partnered with just before. That boy is something else. " Maybe we shouldn't be hanging out right now. More people might think it was you who.... you know." Charlie. " You, um...you do know it was me, right?" Nick. " Yeah, I think I remember you being there." Charlie. " Yeah." Nick. " You two are so cutee." Charlotte. " I can't cope." Naomi. " Lets go find the others." Charlie. We find them and then head back down now I dont mind heights but I'm so glad to get onto actual solid ground. We are on this bridge near the Louvre. Tao and Charlie went off somewhere but the rest of us are all together getting photos and I bought this padlock and put mine and Charlotte's initial on it and eventually locked it with Tao and Charlie's that I see on there. I looked over at one point and saw Tao and Charlie hugging, they were obviously having a heart to heart. Elle can not wait to get to the Louvre, Tao goes infront with her whilst the rest of us walk slowly to the Louvre. " You have until 5:00pm, and if any of you gets lost, we will be leaving you here to get locked in." Mr Farouk. Everyone laughs but that is my worst nightmare. We head for the Mona Lisa first and Tara trys to take a photo. Darcy provokes a war by saying the Mona Lisa was " Rubbish." We start walking through and looking at all the Art I don't really understand it but the art work in here is divine. We take a break on these stairs and try to figure out where we are, Tao and Elle went off together a while ago. We find out that we need to head up the other set of stairs for the Greek statues. This is where Nick tells Charlie about what happened earlier. " Come on you lot." Nick. We get to the Greek statues Tara and Darcy infront. Sahar has to run to catch up with Tara, guessing her and Darcy had words. Nick and Isaac are talking about how they did this in the olden days, me and Charlotte just listening. I look behind to see Charlie falling behind, he doesn't look okay, his lips move but no sound comes out, not loud enough for us to hear anyways. " Nick, help Charlie." Naomi. " Charlie, what's wrong? Charlie?" Nick. " I dont.. I dont feel very well." Charlie. Charlie falls into Nick i rush around the other sound and help Nick slowly sit him on the floor. " CHARLIE!!" Charlotte. " Somebody get Mr Farouk!!" Nick I look up and see Isaac and Imogen running off somewhere. " Nick." Tara. " Omg." Sahar. " Charlie?" Darcy. " Charlieee." Charlotte. We all crowd around and just look worriedly on trying to get him to wake up. A little bit later. " Charlie, can you hear me?" Charlotte. " What just happened?" Charlie. " You just um... you passed out." Nick. " Onto your boyfriend though, so all good." Darcy. " Are you okay?" Naomi. " Yeah just.... really embarrassed." Charlie. " You don't need to be." Tara. We hear hurried footsteps. " We found them!" Isaac. " Charlie, are you all right?" Mr Ajayi. " You didn't hit your head or anything?" Mr Farouk. " No Nick caught me apparently." Charlie. " Do you think you can stand?" Mr Farouk. We all give him a look. " Just get him off the floor and out of the way of prying eyes, there's a cafe not far from here." Mr Farouk. " Your right, one of you can go with him." Mr Ajayi. " How about two?" Charlotte. " Am I speaking a foreign language one of you." Mr Ajayi. " I'll be okay with Nick Charlotte you should carry on going round with Naomi." Charlie. " I'll look after him Charlotte, will you look after this one for me?" Nick. " Yeah I can do that." Charlotte. The two teachers Nick and Charlie head off we all regroup before moving on, Isaac now taking over the map. Tao and Elle eventually catch us up. " Hey, wheres Nick and Charlie?" Elle. " Long story how was it?" Naomi. " I got a bit of drawing done." Elle. " I got some really good pictures." Tao. Once we finish in the Louvre it's self we head for the gift shop. Me and Charlotte end up getting matching neck pillows of all the France landmarks. We also buy pens and notebooks. I get a snow globe with the Eiffel tower inside. An ornament of the Eiffel tower. Also a wall calender of all the different landmarks of France. I spent alot of money in that gift shop. My thoughts wonder to Nick, I hope him and Charlie are okay.

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