Episode 6

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Naomi's pov:
The rest of that week went by fast and without much trouble. On Saturday mum had the day off so we had a movie night on Saturday night. Although in our house thats easier said than done. Right now we're sat around trying to decide on a movie to watch. "Mamma Mia." Sarah. " No we've seen that 3 times this year already." Nick. " Hamilton." Naomi. " Ughh the USA federal system on a Saturday night." Nick. " I'm gonna go get the pizza you guys agree on a movie." Sarah. " What are you looking at?" Naomi. " What movies could help me figure out my sexuality." Nick. " I've got it pirates of the Caribbean, its a classic what do you think?" Sarah. " Yeah, yeah sounds good." Nick. Movie playing in background. " Nick do you remember that summer when you were like 11 and we had to watch this like every evening." Sarah. " Ughhhh don't remind me." Naomi. " It wasn't every evening." Nick. " It definitely was because we could quote it word for word by the end of it." Naomi and Sarah. " I knew it was because you loved Keira knightley." Sarah. "Mum." Nick. " What she's a very pretty girl." Sarah. " Please stop talking." Nick and Naomi. After the movie me and Nick go upstairs to our rooms. On Sunday I see that Tara has come out on Instagram. I comment on the photo aload of hearts. On Monday dinner we are all sat at the table, we are all on our phones apart from Darcy. " This is a conversational lunch time gathering we've got going on here." Darcy. Me and Tara put our phones away again. " Elle, Charlotte?" Darcy. " What are you two doing?" Naomi. " Well Elle's probably texting Tao again." Tara. " I can text my friends if I want to." Elle. " Texting Tao again. Interesting. Interesting indeed." Darcy. " What are you implying?" Elle. " What do you think we're implying." Naomi. " I think I have a crush on Tao." Elle. " Eeeeekkk." Tara. " Omg I knew it, I literally knew it." Naomi. " No i'm not doing this." Charlotte. " Shut up! It's not like I can say anything to him. He's my bestfriend and he definitely doesn't like me back." Elle. I tune out the rest of the conversation Tara and Darcy have got this. That day after school we find out who we are in the show and I got the part of Grace which was what I was going for. We start by doing a read through of the script just act 1 for now. After all 4 of us walk home together. On Tuesday me and Nick are sat on the benches outside school, Imogen is sat inbetween us. I see Charlie and Tao walking into school and Harry and a couple of his minions behind them. " This doesn't look good." Naomi. Charlotte is behind Harry and his minions. " Watch out
d!ck-nozzle." Harry. Everyone arounds us bursts into laughter. "If you want my attention that badly, why don't you just throw something at me. Like your last remaining braincell." Tao. " Woah I was not expecting that." Nick. Tao and Charlie stare at us as they walk past, Charlotte comes and grabs my arm and we walk upto school. We only had half of French because we had band practice during lunch. I get to the main practice room and look around but I dont see Tara or Darcy. I just sit and eat my lunch I brought. Practice starts but Tara and Darcy still aren't there so the teacher goes to find them. I'm at the very back with the piano in front of me, at the end of the rehearsal I shut the lid on the piano and move to sit next to Tara. "Dont forget everyone we will be at Truham all day next Thursday to practice for the spring concert." Teacher. " Wait we have another concert with them?" Darcy. " Darcyy I announced this weeks ago." Teacher. "I think Truham and Higgs should just combine into one giant school." Tara. " No please don't I couldn't be at the same school with Nick, I mean I love him but school is the one place I get away from him." Naomi. " I think same sex schools are a pointless idea generally and I'm saying that as a complete lesbian." Darcy. Laughing. " She's so gross." Girl 1. " Lesbians are so disgusting." Girl 2. " What is there problem?" Tara. " Ignore them." Naomi. " I swear people weren't like this before we came out." Tara. " Want me to throw cheese at them, I've got left over cheese from lunch." Darcy. " Nah its not like they're actually saying it to my face." Tara. " Why do you have leftover cheese?" Tara and Naomi. " It always pays to be prepared with anti homophobia cheese." Darcy. On Saturday Nick went to the park with Charlie and Charlotte stayed at home with me, we baked a cake. On The next Thursday Nick and Charlotte walked me and Charlie to the rehearsal in the main hall. " I can't believe you two get the whole day off to rehearse for this." Nick. " Sometimes playing a musical instruments has its benefits." Charlie. " Yeah definitely only sometimes I have to listen to her playing piano day in day out." Nick. " Rude, I thought you liked my piano playing." Naomi. " When is the concert?" Nick. " Friday night." Charlie. " I already told you this i told you and mum so mum could get the day off." Naomi. " So have I got a ticket?" Nick. " Yeah I got two so I'm guessing so." Naomi. " Wait you don't have to come because of me you've probably got way more interesting things to do." Charlie. " Yeah it means you'll have to listen to my amazing piano skills again." Naomi. " Nah I'll tune you out just listen to all the other instruments." Nick. " Well I will be there cheering both of you on." Charlotte. " Charlie, Naomi come on you need to get your instruments ready." Teacher. Me and Charlie walk to the back together. I hear the sound of a trumpet and see Tara and Darcy walking away from Nick. " Come on girls were running through it again in a minute." Teacher. " I kinda told Nick he could join us for lunch." Tara. Sarcastically " Yayyy." Naomi. " Okay everyone from the top." Teacher. At lunch we sit in the corner of a football court thats not in use. " Oh my god, we found another one." Darcy. " You can't tell anyone." Tara. " She won't tell anyone." Naomi.
" Yeah I uhmm." Nick. " Not having lunch with your boyfriend today?" Harry. " No I'm waiting for your mum, actually." Tao. " He really doesn't care does he?" Naomi. " Nope, sometimes though I just wish he wouldn't do that it only makes Harry more angry." Nick. " The boys ego is too big to have a kick in?" Tara. " I'm not really out yet or anything." Nick. " Do you want to be?" Darcy. " I dont know. I mean, I don't even know what my sexuality is." Nick. " Thats okay Tara didn't know she was a lesbian, until we kissed like 6 times." Darcy. " 6 times wow that's alot." Naomi. " It was two times." Tara. " Ahh see i know you both and i'm more inclined to believe Tara, sorry Darcy." Naomi. Laughter. " Oh my god do you know what we need to do double date. Us and Charlie tomorrow night before the concert, milkshakes." Darcy. " I like milkshakes." Nick. " Good." Tara. " Also I'm inviting myself and Charlotte as friends." Naomi. " Ughh boring." Darcy. " Come on you know you need us to bring the sensible jeans, time keeping and all that." Naomi. We finish dinner and start walking back to the hall. " Dont feel like you need to come out to anyone before your ready." Tara. " Oh yeah." Nick. " Being out is hard, alot of people will see you in a different way and it is alot to deal with." Tara. We're at the hall now so I go inside because I just know that someone's going to have messed with the piano they always do.
Charlotte's pov:
I got a text off Naomi at dinner time saying we were going out with Nick, Charlie, Tara and Darcy tomorrow before the concert. She's coming round later so I'll talk to her then. When I get home I go upstairs, Naomi and Nick are coming round in about an hour me and Charlotte are working on our homework, I don't know what the boys are doing. " Tori can I have the room for a few hours me and Naomi are studying." Charlotte. " Getting kicked out of my own room I'll go sit with Charlie i suppose." Tori. " Ahh he's got Nick coming round soo." Charlotte. " Well I'm still going to have some fun with him." Tori. A while later I hear the door and run down at exactly the same time as Charlie. "Hi." Charlotte and Charlie. "Hi." Nick and Naomi. We all head upstairs and start working on our homework. Before we know it its time for Naomi and Nick to go home. We all walk downstairs and Nick puts his shoes on whilst Naomi does up her coat. " Tara and Darcy want is to go get milkshakes with them tomorrow before the concert starts, kinda like a double date." Nick. " I've never been on a real date before." Charlie. " me neither, do you want to go on one?" Nick. " Yeah." Charlie. " I said we would go too a-." Naomi. " You did what? I CANT BELIEVE YOU, GET OUT." Charlotte. " Wait what whats up?" Naomi. " GET OUT!!" Charlotte. I run upstairs to Tori's room but i hear Charlie say " Sorry, I'll talk to her find out whats going on." Charlie. I hear him come upstairs and soon after see him standing in the doorway. " What was that about?" Charlie. I'm about to answer him when we hear " Charlotte come down here." Jane. I drag myself up off the bed and go downstairs to see what she wants. " Are you okay? we heard shouting." " Yeah me and Naomi just had a falling out." Charlotte. " Yeah but what about?" Charlie. " Don't act like she didn't tell Nick, Tara and Darcy, and I bet Nick told you." Charlotte. " TOLD ME WHAT?" Charlie. " About me." Charlotte. " What about you?" Charlie. " Whats going on?" Julio. " Uhmm there's something you need to know.... I'm bisexual...." Charlotte. " Whats going on?" Jane. " What does that mean?" Julio. " When i told you I was gay and only liked boys, its like that just that Charlotte is bisexual and likes girls and boys." Charlie. " Oh well thats okay." Julio. " Yeah we still love you." Jane. " I may be overstepping here but are you and Naomi?" Charlie. " Yeah, but you already knew that?" Charlotte. " Uhmm no I didn't." Charlie. " What, but Naomi the milkshakes the date." Charlotte. " Ohh Charlotte you didn't listen to her, yes she invited herself and you you to the milkshake cafe date thing but as friends." Charlie. " Wait so you didn't know about me and Naomi? You didn't know about me being bi?" Charlotte. "No." Charlie.
" Ohh no what have I done?" Charlotte. " Why don't you go and see her, make up with her." Jane. " What now?" Charlotte. " Yes but be back by 9." Jane. " I'm going too." Charlie. " I suppose thats okay." Julio. " Come on, I have to make this right." Charlotte. When walking to Nick and Naomi's I make sure Charlie knows to keep it a secret about Naomi because I don't know who knows. When we get there Charlie knocks on the door. Nick opens the door after a little while. " What are you two doing here?" Nick. " I know I was wrong, I wanted to talk to Naomi." Charlotte. " AVALANCHEEE!!" Naomi. " Ughh, come in. Naomi I sware stop it." Nick. " Uhmm whats happening??" Charlie. " Help me stop her and I'll tell you." Nick. " How do we stop her?" Charlotte. " I dont know, just help me catch her." Nick. Me Nick and Charlie end up chasing Naomi around the whole house, we end up in Naomi's room. " Naomi you have to stop." Nick. " How is she not tired?" Charlotte. " ROLLY POLLY." Naomi. " I got her." Charlie. " Quick get her downstairs." Nick. We get downstairs and all sit at the table, Nick sits Naomi on his lap so she can't run round the house again. " Naomi has been keeping something big from mostly everyone, she has ADHD." Nick. " Wait what?" Charlotte. " She was diagnosed at the beginning of secondary school, everyone she knew left her when she got diagnosed apart from Tara and Darcy. Only them two know, Higgs school knows and me and mum obviously." Nick. " She's fast asleep now." Charlie. " This always happens, its usually under control she's on medication for it. When she gets excited, stressed or involved in confrontation this is what happens. So the day after Harry's party she was still so excited..." Nick. He gives Charlie this look speaking to each other silently. " Or the other week when she got sent home early from school thats was because of what had happened earlier that morning with Harry." Nick. " So I did this?" Charlotte. " No not you, the shouting did this." Nick. " Nick, Naomi I'm home!!" Sarah. " Shhh she's asleep." Nick. " Oh no, what happened??" Sarah. " Its all my fault I'm sorry." Charlotte. I run out of the house and start running home, I hear Charlie running after me. " You can't blame yourself for this." Charlie. " I do blame myself." Charlotte.
The next morning Naomi's pov:
I woke up this morning and the memories of last night came flooding back. The argument the ADHD outburst and Nick, Charlie and Charlotte trying to catch me whilst I led them on a running tour of the house. I head downstairs eat my breakfast take my medication then go back upstairs and get dressed, today was going to be a long day. I have a bit of time so finally check my phone to see that it was decided that Tao and Elle would join us later and it was still a " date" but Tao and Elle didn't need to know that. When me and Nick got to school Charlotte and Charlie were stood just inside Truham Charlotte ran over to me and we just stared into each others eyes for a second before walking up the hill to Higgs. " See you two later." Nick. " I think we should talk about last night." Charlotte. I sigh and start to explain " You have to believe me i didn't tell anyone about you, me or me and you." Naomi. " I know Charlie told me thats why I wanted to come round last night, but uhmm." Charlotte. " Yeah I was having an ADHD outburst.... you can say it." Naomi. " I didn't know wether you remembered or not." Charlotte. " Lets just forget about last night, and I don't want you balming yourself." Naomi. " I'll try." Charlotte. Later on at the milkshake cafe we were all sat waiting for Tao and Elle, Tara, me and Nick were on one bench on one side of the table. Darcy, Charlotte and Charlie on the other side. Eventually they come over Tao sits next to Nick. Yeah I didn't think that would ever happen as well, and Elle dat next to Charlie. " Okay but do you ever play film music?" Tao. " Yeah sometimes." Tara. " Well then its not boring then." Tao. " Why did agree to come if you thought it was boring?" Charlie. " Because I'm a very nice and supportive friend obviously." Tao. " Nah I'm not buying it." Charlotte. " Exactly, he came for the milkshakes and the milkshakes ONLY." Elle. " I said that to you in confidence." Tao. We all burst into laughter whilst Charlie just sits there with a shocked expression on his face. " So how did you two become friends?" Darcy. " I was friends with Charlie first then Tao and Isaac came along as a package deal." Elle. " Ahh rrrude, your lucky to have me." Tao. We are all sat there giggling like a bunch of school kids on a sugar rush..... I guess thats what we are. Then Darcy makes one small comment and the whole atmosphere changes " You make a cute little pair." Darcy. We all turn our heads to look at her, Tao and Elle just sip at their milkshakes. " So we're ordering a second round right?" Tao. The whole table agrees on a second round then nick says " I mean we can go and get them if you want." Nick. Obviously talking to charlie. We all tell them what milkshakes we want and they head up to the counter. I watch them talking and laughing with each other and honestly I'm so happy right now. " How did you two get together." Tao. " After we kissed like 6 times." Darcy. " It was two but sure." Tara. " Tara agreed to be my girlfriend." Darcy. " Thats a really cute story you two seem good together." Tao. " Yeah I think its because we're friends too, seems obvious but you should be really good friend with the person your dating." Darcy. I facepalm my face whilst Tao says " Yeahh that makes sense." Tao. We hear Charlie shout over " Tao can you come and give is a hand?" Charlie. He goes off to help them leaving just us 5 girls at the table. I knew this would happen there is a small confrontation I just get up and walk away for a little bit leaving Elle, Tara and Darcy at the table, Charlotte follows me when we get back we walk past Tao and give him a hand as he was trying to carry 4 milkshakes. " Uhmm just so you know the concerts starting in 15 minutes." Tao. We all drink our milkshakes as fast as we can and head to Truham me and Charlotte sandwiched behind Nick and Charlie but infront of Tao and Elle.when we get to Truham miss shouts " Tara, Darcy, Charlie, Naomi hurry up your late sit down and tune your instruments... quickly thankyou." Miss. Me and Charlotte sit at the piano and I start playing a bit of a song to make sure the piano is ready. I look back up when miss says " Has anyone seen Tara and Darcy? I'm about to open the doors for the audience." Miss. I look around and sure enough Tara and Datcy aren't there. " We can find them miss." Charlie. " Be quick about it." Miss.Thats how me, Charlotte, Charlie, Nick, Tao and Elle ended up running through school shouting " TARA." All. " DARCY." All. We eventually hear banging on one of the doors and manage to open it. " Just so you know you two are supposed to be on stage like right now." Nick. We all end up running back me and Charlotte were behind Nick and Charlie but my shoe came off so as it stood it was Tara, Darcy, Charlie, Nick, Charlotte, Elle, me and then Tao. We burst through the door and do one last check of our instruments before the concert starts.

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