Chapter 1: The mundane meets the mystical

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IIn the bustling city of Jianghu, where the ordinary and the extraordinary coexist, our unsuspecting hero, Li Jian, was having the most mundane of days. Little did he know that the heavens had a different script written for him—one involving celestial beings, ancient martial arts, and a peculiar encounter with a mystical manual.

It all began on a Tuesday morning. Li Jian, an average office worker with a penchant for snoozing alarms, stumbled out of bed in a daze. He brewed his coffee, dressed in his most nonchalant attire, and headed for another day at his ordinary desk job.

As he yawned his way through a particularly riveting spreadsheet, a peculiar sensation tickled the back of his neck. Suddenly, the office printer decided to join the conspiracy, producing a document that was no Excel sheet at all. Instead, it seemed to be a centuries-old map with strange markings that made even Google Maps look comprehensible.

Confused and mildly concerned about the well-being of the office printer, Li Jian picked up the paper. Just as he examined it, the office lights flickered, and a mysterious portal manifested right next to the water dispenser. Yes, a water dispenser portal. Li Jian blinked, convinced that his coffee had finally achieved sentience and was playing tricks on him.

From the portal emerged celestial beings—beings with flowing robes, impressive beards, and an unmistakable air of "we're not from around here." One of them, who seemed to be the delegation leader, pointed dramatically at Li Jian and proclaimed, "Behold! The Chosen One!"

Li Jian, caught somewhere between bewilderment and the need for a second cup of coffee, stammered, "Ch-chosen one? You sure you're not looking for the CEO? He's the one with the fancy office."

Ignoring his protests, the celestial beings explained that an ancient prophecy foretold the arrival of a mortal who would possess the power to bring balance to the celestial realms. Li Jian, still in his office chair, looked around as if expecting a hidden camera crew to reveal itself.

Just when he thought it couldn't get any stranger, an elderly immortal presented him with a dusty tome titled "Celestial Harmony Scriptures." The elderly immortal, with a twinkle in his eye, whispered, "Your destiny awaits, young one."

And so, Li Jian's ordinary Tuesday transformed into an otherworldly adventure filled with celestial prophecies, water dispenser portals, and the daunting prospect of becoming the Chosen One—all while wondering if he could expense this peculiar turn of events in his next report.

Welcome to Jianghu, where even the most ordinary among us can stumble into the extraordinary. Li Jian was about to discover that spreadsheet skills might not be the only thing on his résumé for much longer.

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