06 } Mud Pies

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"Surely even a brief time is better than no time?" - Caesar

"Surely even a brief time is better than no time?" - Caesar

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"THERE ONCE WAS a man from Kent... Whose nose was exceedingly bent... He walked into a door... It bent even more... Now it looks like it's paying rent," Aurora recited with a playful tone, using her finger to mimic a bent nose. Wovey and Dill couldn't help but giggle at her antics.

"My turn," Dill announced eagerly. It had been several hours since their arrival at the zoo, and it has been terrible. They were given no provisions – no food, no water – and were expected to sleep on the hard ground. Aurora regretted not asking Coriolanus for food before he was taken away, but he was whisked away pretty quickly.

To pass the time and distract the younger girls from their surroundings, they started playing a game of rhymes. It seemed to ease the tension a bit. Reaper, ever watchful, allowed Jessup and Aurora to join them near the rocks, though he stayed apart from the game, his presence a silent, brooding shadow. He broke his silence only when he noticed something, saying dryly, "Hold that thought, Dill. Looks like Lover Boy is back."

The group's attention shifted as Coriolanus approached, accompanied by another boy dressed in a similar red outfit. Wovey's voice, bright with a childlike wonder, cut through the tension. "He's got another rose for you," she exclaimed, as though they were characters in a storybook.

Aurora's eyes briefly met the fresh white rose in Coriolanus's hand. "I'll be right back," she told the group, making her way to the bars that separated them.

Aurora stood in front of Coriolanus, her hands curling around the bars that separated them. "Hi," she greeted, her smile lighting up her face.

Coriolanus returned the smile. "Hi," he echoed.

She glanced at the rose he was holding with a twinkle. "Is that for me?"

"Absolutely," Coriolanus replied. With a gentle, almost reverent motion, he stepped closer, and carefully placed the rose behind Aurora's ear. The touch of his fingers against her skin was fleeting, yet it sent a warm flush of color to her cheeks.

For a moment, Aurora was entirely captivated by the gesture, her heart fluttering. The surprise and gentleness of it filled her with warmth.

"What's that?" Aurora asked, her voice a soft murmur, tinged with curiosity and a newfound shyness. She could still feel the heat of his touch on her skin, and the sensation made her blush deepen. As Coriolanus delved into his bag, she watched closely, intrigued, her earlier apprehension giving way to a blossoming curiosity.

"For you," he replied, unfolding the handkerchief to reveal a few small sandwiches and a cookie. Aurora's stomach growled involuntarily, her mouth watering at the sight of the food. It had been about three days since any of the tributes had eaten.

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