Chapter seven: We are lucky we are alive.

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"Stay with me mate!" Jun shouted
"Hang on a little, my friend!"
We were in Levi's car, me in the passenger seat and Jun in the back seats holding Leo in his arms who didn't know how many minutes of life he had left. The others were behind us, following us.

The rain was heavy and visibility was low.

"How long till we get there?" I asked anxiously.
"I don't know!" Levi replied, clutching the steering wheel in her hands.
"Go faster! We don't have much time!" Jun shouted again. The sound of the sharp throttle and tires rubbing sharply on the ground was like a rude awakening.

Levi's cell phone rang.
"It's Mia." I informed Levi.
"Ok so? Stop looking at me and pick it the fuck up."
I picked it up and put it on speaker.
"Hel..." I went to say.
"Celyn! The car slid off the side of the road onto the bridge! We've stopped for now!" She yelled.

We all looked at each other.
What else could can happen in one day?

"Is everyone okay?" I asked.
"Yeah, if we slid a little more and we'd be off the road."
"Okay, don't start yet, wait there until the rain calms down a bit!"
"By luck we lived guys, I'm telling you. It was like a miracle." She said somehow calmly.

I couldn't believe it. Suddenly everything started to hit me.
Marcus' death, Leos' attempt, the near crash, Anna the girl I saved from those bastards, my family issues.
I was panicking but, at the same time, angry at how shitty this life was.

"Don't say that Mia! Don't ever say that again! Do you hear me?!" I shouted at her sharply.
"Are you crazy?" Levi asked me.
"You're right. As soon as the rain stops, we'll come find you." She said and we hung up.
"Guys, quick I don't think we have much time left." Jun said.
"We're here!" Levi shouted.
He parked the car at the hospital entrance and we ran inside.
"Help! Somebody help us!" We went in screaming.

Levi's mother ran towards us.
She was a nurse.

"Put him in here!" She brought a bed.
"Save him please!" I said.
The hospital lights were flashing because of the storm.

October 26th, 2019

An hour had passed and we still had no news from the doctors about Leo.
Everyone had arrived and we were all just waiting.
Levi seemed a little too anxious for some reason. He sat resting his hands on his thighs and tapping his foot on the floor at a rapid pace. I was sitting next to him and something was telling me to just grab his hand.
So I did. I wanted to be there for my friends.
As soon as I grabbed his hand he turned and looked at me quickly with hatred in his eyes. They flashed for a moment and then he furrowed his eyebrows and pulled away.

"What are you doing?" He said with an angry expression.
He pretended he didn't need anyone.
"I just wanted to..." I said hesitantly.
"I don't give a shit what you just wanted. Don't do it again." He got up and laid his back in the wall.
"What is your problem?" I got up and said.
He stood for a moment.
"What?" He asked menacingly and turned to look at me.
"You think you can do whatever you want? You slept over at my place and I thought for once you and I could get along. But your bipolar ass won't allow that for me or anyone else. So really what is your problem?" I said as I approached him and watched his face slowly change from relaxed to furious.

I don't know why I said that. In my heart I knew it wasn't true.

"Maybe we should just calm down a little..." Peter went to break us up. Our faces were inches apart and I could feel his heavy breathing hitting my face.

Then he grabbed the back of my head holding my hair upwards and pinned me to the wall making me look at him.
"You think you're something because you have daddy's money but guess what?" He growled.
"Levi!" Mia commanded.
"You're nothing, you're worthless, you're nothing to me and I'm not afraid of you either. You got that, you fucking spoiled bitch?" He continued.

What the hell was wrong with him?

"At least I had someone to spoil me and even if I didn't I wouldn't try punishing anyone because of my insecurities." I replied.
He grabbed me by the neck and squeezed.
I felt my lungs crack and my oxygen dwindle.
"I can kill you on the spot." He kept squeezing me tighter and tighter.
"Bro cut it! You're hurting her!" Sebastian grabbed him and pulled him off me.

I was trying to catch my breath as he walked away towards the bathroom.

After a few minutes I went after him. As soon as I walked in I heard him crying silently through a toilet.
"Go away." He said calmly.
"I just wanted to be there for you."
"You don't understand." He walked out.

His eyes were puffy and red.

"Help me understand."
"I can't be near you. I don't want to be near you." He said emphatically.
"What have I done to you to make you not want to be near me. What is it that is so bad that I might have done to you that you don't want to be near me." I made one step towards him.
"Leave it." He started to leave and I stopped him.
"No I can't just "leave it" anytime you want, you can't avoid your problems forever."
"You're the problem." He said dryly but his eyes were misty.
"What?" I felt something inside me crack, I didn't know why. I just knew I wanted this boy in my life.
"You're so stupid you wouldn't understand... Please stay as far away from me as you can." He said and left.

It was just me and no one else. I was left alone standing there not knowing what I had done wrong. Not knowing what was wrong with me, not knowing why I am who I am.


I got out and at the same time a doctor came out too.
"He's going to be okay. There's a chance he might not remember what he did or what caused him to do this to himself, the more you avoid him remembering the better. He needs to avoid unpleasant events but other than that, he'll be okay."
"Thank you very much." We replied.
"He won't remember Marcus' death..." Stephanie said confused.
"He can't not know." Mia countered.
"I can't take it anymore, I just can't, I need some air." Stephanie left running.
"I'll go with her." Theo followed her.
"Guys, we can't avoid it." Mia said again.
"Why?" Peter asked nervously.
"Because his funeral is in seven days." Mia said showing us the phone-call his dad made her.

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