Confessions Of A Sinner

144 35 34

Father, you give me the strength of superman but sometimes I do not use it.

You always show me a forgiving heart but I always abuse it.

In our late night conversations, I express to you how desperately I want to change.

But in the following day I always go back to doing the exact same.

You blessed me with an abundance of talents and gifts, but I do not always give credit to your name.

You always cleanse me from my unwanted sin, knowing that I will soon be filthy again.

You protect me with your precious blood, even though I do not always give you the most love.

You only showed me the right way, but somehow I still managed to turn left.

I just pray and hope that you do not give up, and that I still have time left.

I hope that you can see that I really do love you, even though I do not always try hard.

This evil sin is constantly knocking at my door, and I keep turning the knob.

My mind is filled up with greed and temptations, that I cannot help but to give into.

I sometimes feel like my spirit is empty, and I do not know what to do.

My mind is not focused, and my heart is not pure.

I just want to know that God you are still here.

I know that you said you would never leave by my side, but Lord I just feel so lonely sometimes.

I pray that you come into my life and make a difference.

I pray that you give me the peace of mind that I have been missing.

I pray that you give me the strength to finish the race.

Last but not least, I pray one day that I get to see your beautiful face.

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