"Great plan it's not like we're in the same house, with the same people, and the same things to do is it Luke?" I ask rhetorically.

"You're right but, uh, just don't let him get under your skin, yeah. That's what he wants to happen. He'll be more upset if-- uh-- you act like you don't care." He says.

"I'll try that but if he pulls another stunt he better sleep with two eyes open." I told him.

"That's fair," and then he's onto the next topic. "So do you still wanna celebrate your birthday today even though your cake is half gone?"

"Not really, I'm still reeling from my party back home." It's not that I don't wanna get blackout drunk, it's that I don't want Jack Hughes to potentially see me make a fool of myself or help me make a fool out of myself.

"What about a nice dinner at the Club?" He asks. "We could get all dressed up, eat fancy country club food, drive a golf cart? I know you love driving golf carts." He says.

"Why not." I agree. "Wanna invite Quinn and Josh?" I ask. And yes it's cause I enjoy their company but it might also be a way of getting back at Jack. You're gonna be a dick I'm going to exclude you from my fun, exciting and awesome plans.

"Sure why not?" He tells me. And then he leaves the room to get changed into some regular clothes and I take a shower before changing into some casual clothes. I decided to head downstairs expecting Lukey to be down there but instead I'm met with the face of one of Jack's friends, Trevor.

"Hey! Have you seen Jack? I just went to the liquor store to get some stuff and I came back and he's gone." He tells me. And all I can say is of course he'd fucking leave his friends because he's just a dick.

"Last time I saw him he was out in the lake, but hopefully by now he's drowned." I tell him flatly. And instead thanking me and heading outside he stays right where he is.

"If you want him to drown because of us eating your cake what he said early, he was joking." He defends his friend.

"Well he just flipped over my paddleboard while I was doing a headstand and I still haven't heard a single apology out of his mouth." I told him.

"Give him a chance. You know when you're put in a new environment and you get all defensive?" I nod and he continues, "Well he's just in a new environment and he sees you as a threat." He finishes.

"To what? I'm here for like 11 more days until I'm heading back home." I don't get what in the world Trevor is trying to say.

"Well usually there aren't any girls at the lake house, and even less so are the girls incredibly successful and smart and super in touch with their emotions." He explains. "Just don't X him out, he's super nice when you get to know him." He finishes.

"It seems like he's already done that himself." I end the conversation there by heading downstairs hoping that Jack and his gang is not there or Lukey or Quinn or Josh is.

Eventually Luke makes his way downstairs and we play a lot and I mean a lot of pool. I sadly did not end with a win percentage over .500 against Luke but Quinn and Josh ended up playing some games too so at least I can say I'm above .500 against Quinn. By the time we had finished it was around 1:45ish so we decided it was time for some lunch.

After lunch Quinn and Josh and Jack and his friends all went on the boat and me and Luke headed to the club. Before we left I challenged him to a game of tennis because I wanted a reason to wear the Barbie inspired tennis outfit I had gotten just for the occasion of playing tennis at a country club and he said yes.

I lost, unsurprisingly considering the last time I played tennis I was in high school but Luke wasn't that much better than me but we had a great time. By the time we were done it was an acceptable time for dinner so we headed to the showers to get changed so we could eat. But to my total shock and anger I see Jack and his friends standing by the hostess stand and suddenly he is waving Luke over.

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