Chapter 7: Now we wait!

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The sun was rising and Kion and Rani were already wide awake. They were outside on the mountain, looking over all the Tree Of Life's inhabitants. 

"So today is gonna be a big day." Rani said

"Yeah, it is." Kion replied 

"But Kion, I think we're gonna need a little more strength on our side." Rani said

"Yeah, but who?" Kion said as he searched through his mind but then the name finally hit him

"MATUSO!" Kion said

"Matuso? Who's that?" Rani questioned

"Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you. Remember how the other day I attacked this lion."

"Yeah..... Ohh" Rani said realising who Matuso is

"He was also the one who showed up when Leo came back with his crew. So he can help us out a lot." Kion added

Meanwhile at the leopard's hideout.

"Where's Manifa?" Leo asked

"I don't know. You sure she didn't get left behind when Kion roared at us?" One of the leopards asked

"Ugh, yes I'm sure." Leo replied

"Well then if she's not here we need to go look for her." The leopard added

"No!" Leo shouted

"It's every leopard for himself out here."

"But Leo Manifa is one of the best members in our crew. There's no way we can leave her there on her own." The leopard stated

"You're soft, I hope you know that." Leo said

Leo walked up to the entrance of their hideout and said "Well are you coming or not?"

As they were about to go and look for Manifa they heard someone coming and get ready for a fight as they think it's The Lion Guard however, it ended up being Manifa rushing down to the hideout and she was out of breath.

As she slowed down Leo began to ask where she was "Where have you been?"

"After the fight, I stayed behind and hid to see if I could get any information from The Lion Guard or The Night Pride and I heard them talking about a plan to attack us and destroy our hideout."

Leo was surprised by the fact that they wanted to attack so early but they had to come up with a plan to counter this.

"This is something we all are gonna need to talk about." Manifa said

Leo gathered his crew and told them exactly what Manifa told him however what Manifa didn't realise is that she didn't hear everything The Lion Guard and Night Pride were talking about, she missed out on the most important detail which was that The Lion Guard and Night Pride were waiting for Leo and his crew to attack.

Kion showed Rani to where Matuso and his friends were staying but didn't find him and walked off and saw Matuso by the lake and ran over to him. However, they wasn't expecting what happened next. Matuso had suddenly pounced on Kion but then quickly hopped off.

"Sorry, it's just a bit of a reflex. It's something that's built up within me ever since those leopards attacked all those years ago." Matuso said. Kion understood and forgave him.

"What happened?" Rani asked

"Oh yeah, I didn't tell you. It's a long story, my parents were rulers of a land and the leopards didn't agree with it and tried to make it their territory but it all ended up in a bloody battle and my parents sacrificed their lives to save me and my friends. My mother told me to find the Tree Of Life and, here I am." Matuso said

"I'm so sorry. You can stay here for as long as you need, you will always be welcome here." Rani said

"So what is it you guys need me for?" Matuso asked

"Oh right, the leopards that keep coming that keep coming back, you said they're not gonna stop until they get the Tree Of Life. So we want to attack them and put a stop to this and we need your help." Kion said

"Look who's asking for help now." Matuso said with a smile

"Me and my friends will be happy to help."

"Great. We'll let you know when they next attack." Kion said

So they all walk off but Matuso runs off Rani turns back and saw him running off but just thought that he was previously doing something and was trying to get back to doing it..... at least that's what she thought.

"Hey Seila get up now." Matuso says

"What's going on?" Selia asked

"Kion just told me how he wanted us to help him get rid of the leopards and they're plan to get rid of them." Matuso said

"Well then we need to go tell Leo."

"NO! I told Manifa to stay behind after the fight to see if she could overhear any information about the Lion Guard and Night Prides next move, and if we try and go to Leo's hideout then we'll get caught by The Lion Guard that are on Patrol."

"Wait what if we go at night?" Selia asked 

"What bit don't you understand about NIGHT PRIDE." Matuso replied

"Well, we are gonna need to figure something out somehow." Selia said

Matuso saw something out of the corner of his eye and it was Wilpo.

"WILPO! Have you been there the entire time?"

"No, I just got here." He said

"DO NOT LIE TO ME!" Matuso said raising his voice and showing his true character

"Okay okay, I have." Wilpo replied

"Wilpo you cannot tell anyone else about this. If you do they'll tell The Lion Guard and we'll get kicked out of The Tree Of Life with nowhere to stay." Selia stated

"Yeah I know but, you know this isn't right. Kion accepted us into his land and now you're trying to take it from him?" Wilpo replied trying to reason with Matuso 

Matuso noticed that Wilpo was obviously defending Kion and he wasn't going to wait until Wilpo told Kion so he pushed I'm straight into the rock wall the caused Wilpo to become unconscious.

"What are we going to do with him, because he's now definitely going to tell Kion." Selia said

"We get someone from Leo's crew to dump him in the middle of nowhere." Matuso replied

"You idiot! Won't someone see you bringing in a leopard?" Selia stated 

"Then I'll bring him at night, duhhh." Matuso said confidently

Selia cleared her voice and said mockingly in Matuso's voice "WhAt BiT dOn'T yOu UnDeRsTaNd AbOuT nIgHt PrIdE."

"uh......" Matuso didn't know how to reply top that as she just used his own words against him

"Wait there's a back entrance right there I can take him through there and go to Leos' crew and get him to dump him."

"Fair enough for me."

Matuso picked up Wilpo and took him out the back entrance however for some reason the Lion guard were patrolling twice today. Matuso thought that it was because of the leopards and snuck past them carefully making sure that nobody saw him and he was successful and made it to Leos hideout.

"Leo I need you to dump Wilpo. DO NOT HURT HIM."

"Woah woah woah woah slow down, you can't just come in here and make us do what you say."

"I'm not playing around Leo, you need to do what I say just this one time."

"Well what if I say no?" Leo replied

They both looked at each other staring deep down into their eyes with intimidation. Were they about to fight?? You'll have to find out what happens in the next chapter!

Next Chapter coming out possibly before next month.(sorry this chapter took so long)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07 ⏰

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