Chapter 4: Healing

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As the sun began to rise, Kion woke up, still trying to process what happened last night. He got up slowly, trying not to wake up Rani, and left to go and find Nirmala. Kion knew that it was definitely the scar that was making him act like this, and he didn't want Rani to know that the scar was acting up again as he didn't want to worry her.

He was on his way to where the night pride usually sleep and found Nirmala already awake.

"I knew you'd come looking for me." Nirmala said

"Wait what, how?" Kion asked

Kion was confused as to how she already knew he would come looking for her

"Fuli told me that your scar was making you act evil again." Nirmala replied

"Oh, then you understand why I've come here. Please whatever you do, do not tell Rani I don't want her to worry." Kion said

"Don't worry I won't" Nirmala said

Kion was skeptical about telling anyone else that the scar was acting up as he didn't want it to end up getting to Rani.

"So, when can we start the healing process?" Kion asked

"We can start right now if you want." Nirmala replied 

Kion agreed to start now however he was somewhat upset about keeping this from Rani as he was afraid she may get mad and think that he might not trust her. They began to walk out of the Night Prides den and suddenly Matuso appeared out of nowhere. Kion was amazed at the fact that Matuso managed to get behind them without him being able to catch his scent.

"Matuso? How did you get here?!" Kion asked

"Um... I walked duh." Matuso said 

"We saw what happened yesterday, those leopards are gonna keep on coming back and they won't stop." Matuso said

"How do you know?" Kion questioned

"They're the same leopards that chased me and my friends out of our pride and their crew killed our parents." Matusou replied

"Kion we'd like to help stop them, if that's okay with you."

"No, we don't need your help!" Kion stated 

"Kion?!" Niramala replied realising it's going to be a lot tougher and longer with the healing process

"Oh, sorry I didn't mean to be rude. We could use all the help we can get." Kion said 

Kion ears dropped realising how much the scar was affecting him. Nirmala and Kion walked out of the night prides lair discussing what the healing process would include.

"Kion, right now the scar is going to be challenging and affecting you but you have to do the same thing to the scar and challenge it." Nirmala said confidently 

"First I want you to go on a half-mile run then come back and tell me how you feel." Nirmala said

Back at the tree, Rani was just waking up, her eyes were still closed but she felt that something was out of place she opened her eyes looked around for a moment and noticed that Kion was gone. She was confused as Kion would normally never leave until she was awake but she didn't think much of it. Rani got up and started stretching whilst yawning. She popped down from the rock, headed outside and walked to the nearest lake to get some water. Rani noticed Kion running and realised that he may just be early to exercise. 

As Kion was running he was admiring the beautiful things that surrounded him when suddenly... Rani came out from the corner and scared/surprised Kion. Kion was running quite fast at the time and he had to dig his front two paws into the ground to slow down and not hit Rani.

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