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This is Aria's story. Cadria and Obi's story follows the first book, but stays canon, Cadria doesn't kill Palpatine.

Aria Kenobi was the daughter of Cadria Jango and Obi-Wan Kenobi.

Her mother was a Mandalorian. Her father, a Jedi.

Her story starts on Naboo, at the first attempt to kidnap Palpatine when he was the Chancellor. Cadria had thought Obi-Wan was dead, and then there he was, standing on her ship.

But they were separated again, until the bombing of the Jedi Temple. She was on Coruscant by day's end, and the attack was pinned on her. So they said their goodbyes, and she fled the system for the second time in her life.

Weeks later, Cadria got word that the true attacker had been a Padawan. But she couldn't return. She had a deadline. She needed to get to Concord Dawn. The Force was leading her there for this. She also hears about the Seige of Mandalore.

But she had been there for a year by that point, she couldn't go to help Bo. She had a priority for the first time since she lost Boba. Her small daughter, a year old, and every bit her father's daughter with her bright blue eyes and quiet demeanor. But her dark hair was all her mother.

Once Aria was old enough (her mother decided 5 was that number), Cadria loaded them up to go help, but Mandalore was gone. She was drawn to Concordia. Bo wasn't there, but there were plenty of Mandalorians who welcomed the mother and daughter.

Some of the younger Foundlings, and one older boy, took to the woman fairly quickly. When Cadria wasn't helping with the Foundlings, she was teaching Aria of the Force and their own little Mandalorian traditions.

Din was very sure of his status, and in the two years she knew him, Cadria never saw his face. Because he was so eager to see the galaxy and Cadria was sure she could trust him, she gifted him the Razor Crest. Aria had always expressed a dislike for the ship, "too bulky," she had said.

When the girl was eleven, rumors began spreading of a Jedi living on Tatooine, and she understood why her mother was leaving. Cadria left her armor to her daughter and got a ship to the desert planet.

Aria had made sure to keep her mother's armor in good shape, even when the tribe split and left to different systems. When she turned 18, Cadria had made the Armorer swear to not let her leave sooner, the girl was able to don her mother's armor.

Her first stop after getting a ship was Ilum. It was pretty blockaded, but she had inherited some of her mother's powers and was able to land with no problems. She went into the caverns, found her crystal, and assembled her saber while in hyperspace. Her lightsaber was a rich purple, and she painted her armor to match, leaving a strip of her mother's slate gray paint at the top of one of the pieces. It was their armor.

Jango had his time.

Cadria had hers.

And now it was Aria's to make her way through the galaxy.

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