He speaks in a thick accent, but still understandable. He then points to where you both just walked from.

"This sad. Very sad only." He says.

"Oh, okay. I'm sorry." You tell him. "Whatever I did, I'm sorry."

"All this is your fault. They did not need to die." He says and you look at him weirdly.

"My fault? They attacked me. How am I the bad guy in this?" He then looks at you weirdly, then looking you body up and down examining you.

You sigh when you realise what you said and he doesn't understand.

"I mean bad girl. Saying the bad guy is just a saying. I am a girl." You tell him with an unamused look, crossing your arms.

"I see that." He just states, staring at you. You raise an eyebrow at him.

He looks back up at your face and widen his eyes at himself checking you out right in front of you.

You swear you almost see his cheeks redden a bit but you can't know for sure, and he just covers it by becoming angry at you again.

"Your fault!" He shouts in your face and you flinch slightly at the sudden exclamation.

"Okay, okay, my fault, I'm sorry."

"You're like a baby. Making noise, don't know what to do." He tells you.

"Fine, okay. But, if you love your little forest friends, why not just let them kill my ass?" You ask him.

He then turn his head slightly to look at your ass confused.

"Me! Kill me, not my ass! Argh, I need to think before I spit." You exclaim and sigh to yourself.

"Why save you?" He asks.

"Yeah, why save me?"

He then thinks as he looks at you for a moment.

"You have a strong heart. No fear." He answers. "But stupid!" He spits out. "Ignorant like a child." He tells you and leaves.

You scoff.

"Well, if I'm like a child, then, uh.. Look, maybe you should teach me." You tell him.

"Sky People cannot learn. You do not see." He says.

"Well, then teach me how to see." You tell him and follow after when he walks away.

"No one can teach you how to see."

"Whoa." You say when you realise you ran after him out on a branch where it was extremely high over the ground.

"Look, come on, can't we talk? Say, where'd you learn to speak English? Dr. Augustine's school?" You ask him.

"Whoa!" You exclaim when you loose balance.

An annoyed looking alien grabbed you before you fell to your death.

"You're like a baby." He states again.

He exhaled in annoyance before speaking to himself in his native language.

You look at him before taking a step close.

"I need your help." You admit.

"You should not be here." He tells you.

"Okay, can I come with you?" You ask him.

"No!" He answers. "Go back." He points and leaves.

You take a step to follow him as he leaves, he turns back at you to tell you no again, but he freezes and stare at something. You follow his gaze to a seed of some sort flowing toward you.

Many of them flow down and closer to you. One coming particularly close, you smack it away from you.

The male alien beside you exclaim angrily at you and grab your hand.

Another one approaches and you use your other hand to smack it but he stops you again.

"No!" He says before speaking sharply at you in his native tongue.

He gasps softly as the seeds land on you.

You hold your hands out as they all land on your body.

"What are they?" You ask.

"Seeds of the Sacred Tree." He answers. "Very pure spirits."

"Uh-huh." You hum as you try to stand still with all the seeds on you. Chuckling softly at them and the alien gasping as he looks at the sight in front of him.

Then suddenly they all fly off you and flows away.

"What was that all about?" You ask Turing to the male.

He whispers to himself, looking thoughtful before turning to you.

"Come." He then grabs your hand. "Come!"

He drags you with him through the forest.

"Where are we going?"

You can't help but get distracted by the forest whip you follow him, making him having to stop and wait for you.

He watches your awe filled look a moment before walking back and grabbing your hand. Making you hurry with him.


"What's your name?" You ask just before something fires at your legs, tying them up, making you fall and land harshly on the ground.

"Shit!" You exclaim.

Trying to untie yourself as horse creatures with Na'vi riders ride up to you.

You pull your knife out and before you know it you're surrounded by Na'vi. All pointing their arrows at you. Stretching up your hands in surrender you chuckle a little.

The male alien then jumps down in front of you from where he had been before you were shot down.

He shouts to them in their native language. They look at him in surprise and then lowers their arrows.

(I need to find somewhere they show the Na'vi translation too, i realised now.)

"Wait, argh!" They grab you by your arms and also you braid, which hurt.

The alien from before then climbs up on one of the horse creatures and shouts before riding off before you, leaving you to be dragged by the others.

"What's happening?" You try to ask them.

I See You (Male Neytiri x reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora