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"My father is deciding whether to kill you."

They drag you with them to a gigantic tree. You look up in awe.

They drag you toward it and you barely see the male from before as he rides the horse creature into the tree before you.

The people dragging you are a bit gentler now, knowing you won't fight back. But they do hold their knife to your braid while they lead you into the tree.

People inside it stops to stare at you, some walk up crowding around you.

The male from earlier walks up to you after having climbed off his horse, he grabs your upper arm and lead you with him. He walks you toward someone who seems to be in charge, letting you go he greets him in Na'vi.

The older male walks up to and looks at you, you just smile and nod in greeting as he pass you.

He starts speaking, talking in their native language.

"What's he saying?" You ask him as the guy continues to speak in Na'vi to the older man.

"Hey, what's he saying?" You ask again trying to get his attention for him to translate.

"My father is deciding whether to kill you." He finally tells you.

"Oh, uh.. you're father." You say before gathering yourself a bit and approaching the said man up front.

Stretching out your hand, you try to introduce yourself.

"It's nice to meet you, sir." You say, but the villagers all exclaim and grab you from reaching him.

A knife is at your throat and you look around in question when you hear shouting.

A woman walks down the stairs and points to you as she speaks.

"That is mother. She is Tsahik." He then tells you. "The one who interprets the will of Eywa."

"Who's Eywa?" You ask him as his mother approach you.

She takes your braid, and you jump slightly by it. Then she does the same with your tail as she circles you.

"What are you called?" The woman asks in English with a heavy accent.

"Y/n Y/l/n." You answer her.

She grabs something in her head piece or necklace thing. You grunt slightly in surprise when she poked you with it.

You watch her a bit offended when she takes the needle and licks your blood of it. You try not to make a disgusted face as she does so.

"Why did you come to us?" She asks.

"I came to learn." You answer.

She watches you closely as she puts the needle back.

"We have tried to teach other Sky People. It is hard to fill a cup which is already full." She tells you.

"Well, my cup is empty, trust me." You answer honestly with a shrug and laugh slightly. "Just ask Dr. Augustine. I'm no scientist."

"What are you?" She asks. You look at her for a moment.

"I was a marine. A, uh.. A warrior of the Jarhead clan."

The warrior woman from before was standing somewhere behind you, she scoffs and starts speaking in Na'vi to the leader as you turn to her.

She tries to walks up looking like she wants to challenge you, but stops when the leader hold his hand up to stop her.

You watch the family, your guy from earlier with his parents apparently, as they seem to discuss. The villagers murmurs around you. You look around and see the woman warrior glare at you, you just raise an eyebrow.

The mother approaches his son, talking. He glances at you as she speaks, then looks thoughtful before finally nodding to his mother affirmatively.

"It is decided." The mother turns to you. "My son will teach you our ways. Learn well, Y/nY/l/n. Then we will see if your insanity can be cured."

You carefully nod in understanding.


Later after some villagers had helped you change into their type of clothing, you walked the long stairs up the tree.

Hearing music playing softly and villagers chattering, as you ascend the stairs.

You pant slightly from having to keep up with the Na'vi girl, that had helped you find and change clothes, leading the way up.

The chattering and singing stops when you approach the gathered people who sits around a bonfire eating.

"Good evening." You say as you make your way to them, following the girl.

They all just stop and stare at you.

"Please don't get up." You chuckle.

You glance around the crowd nodding in greeting and soon find your eyes landing on a certain someone by his father's side.

He's eyes were already on you as he looks you up and down, taking in your new appearance. When his eyes move back to your face and your eyes meet, he hurriedly looks down at his food, continuing to eat.

The girl with you, tugs at your arm to make you follow her.

As you make your way through the crowd, you accidentally steps on someone's tail. They exclaim and slaps your leg.

"Sorry." You apologise.

The chattering and singing resumes.

The girl had stopped close to the guy and his family, she grabs your shoulder and makes you sit down beside him.

You look at the man but he just concentrates on his food, turning your head the other direction you greet a random villager.

"Hey, how you doing?" You try to be polite. A girl on her other side tries to reach for you in curiosity. The woman beside you pushes her away from you and you chuckle at the little girl.

Turning, you look at the man who found you and brought you here.

"You know, I don't even know your name?" You tell him.

"Neyt te Tskaha Mo'at'ite." He says casually.

"Uh, can you say that again, a bit slower?" You chuckle awkwardly.

"Neyt." He says.

"Nate." You say, as you realise you can pronunce it as a pretty normal name back on earth.

He looks at you with a blank expression, and you smile to him.

"It's nice to meet you, Neyt." You tell him and take a bite of the food the girl had given you.


After eating, Neyt is leading you somewhere to sleep for the night.

You follow him slightly panting again as you try to keep up.

He jumps down into an hammock, and you look down before doing the same in the hammock beside his.

You struggle a bit to stay balanced as you try to turn and lay down. Once on your back you exhale heavily, looking up.

You turn your head to Neyt, finding him lying on his side watching you intently but with a blank look.

When he realises you caught him staring again he grabs the side of the hammock and pulls it over turning to lay with his back facing you.

You pull the hammock over too before slowly closing your eyes.

I See You (Male Neytiri x reader)Where stories live. Discover now