First days

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"Who's got a date with the chiefs son?"

"Okay, let's run through them again."
She holds up at picture of Neyt's mother.

"Mo'at. Dragon Lady." You tell her as you wheel toward your pod.

She changes the picture.

"Eytucan." You say, but apparently spell it wrong so Grace corrects you.

"Eytucan. He's the clan leader. But she's the spiritual leader. Like a shaman." She tells you.

"Got it." You say and park your wheelchair to get out of it.

The next picture makes you stop and grab the tablet.

"Neyt." You whisper.

"Neyt. He'll be the next clan leader."

"So, who's this Eywa?" You then ask.

"Who's Eywa?" Norm scoffs in disbelief. "Only their deity. Their goddess, made up of all living things. Everything they know. You'd know this if you had any training whatsoever." He tells you.

You smirk and hold the tablet up.

"Who's got a date with the chiefs son?" You ask smugly.

"Oh, come on. That's not-" Norm tries to argue.

"All right, knock it off, you two." Grace scolds like she would children and you laugh. Loving this sibling type of friendship you had going on with Norm, him not so much, but you didn't know how much you missed having a sibling. "Let's go. Village life starts early."

As you lay down in the pod Grace leans down over you.

"Don't do anything unusually stupid." She tells you.

You just smile.


Neyt has brought a direhorse up to you. You look at it in awe. He watches your awestruck face for a moment.

"Easy, boy." You mumble to it.

"Pale is female." Neyt tells you.

He starts speaking soothingly in Na'vi to it.

"Okay. Easy girl." You say and climb on its back.

You try to find a comfortable position on it while Neyt continues to soothe it in Na'vi.

He grabs the tendrils on it and brings it to you. You grab it and do what Neyt had told you.

The creature whines and jump slightly after you make the bond. Your eyes widen as you feel it.

"That is shahaylu. The bond." Neyt tells you. "Feel her."

You exhale as you concentrate.

"Feel her heartbeat. Her breath."

You listen to Pale breathing.

"Feel her strong legs."

You feel her strength. Her heartbeat beating as if your own.

"You may tell her what to do. Inside." Neyt then says tapping his head. "For now, say where to go."

You look forward and point.

"Forward." You tell Pale.

She runs off and you loose your balance. Falling off, you grunt when you make hard contact with the ground.

Neyt's hand flies to his mouth, trying to hold back from laughing. He turns away from you to hide it. But a chuckle leaves his lips and he then can't manage to hold it in.

I See You (Male Neytiri x reader)Where stories live. Discover now