Sacred tree destroyed

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"I am Ometikaya. I am one of you. And I have the right to speak."

In the morning Neyt lays on the ground with your avatar, a protective arm around you.

In the distance machinery beeps as it gets closer. The machinery rumbling wakes Neyt up. He gasps when he hears it.

Standing up in a hurry he watches as the Tree of Voices gets knocked down by the alien machinery.

Branches fall over closer and closer and he bends to his knees beside you.

"Ma Y/N!" He tries to shake you awake.


"Don't forget your phase integration." Norm reminds you from his seat in you wheelchair.

You do as he says.

"Y/N!" Grace comes over.

"No, no, the middle button." Norm tells you.

"You gotta eat something." Grace tells you coming up with food.

"Yeah, there you go." He says when you get it right.


"Y/N! Y/N!" Neyt shouts in your face but your avatar just lays limp on the ground.

He grabs your face.

"Wake up! Y/N, please!" He exclaims.

The machines get closer so he has to lift you up in his arms and carry you.


"Don't make me force feed a cripple." Grace says and you chuckle.

"Grace, I don't want.. Hey!" You were about to lay down when she stops the pob. Making it power down.


Neyt is trying to get to safety with you in his arm, carrying you bridal style as he runs.

But the trees fall all around him making it hard to find a safe route out of it.


You devour the food Grace gave you to get it down in a hurry. Eager to see a special someone the day after what you realise was basically your wedding night.

You wanted him, you did. But you were afraid of how he will react when you tell him you hadn't been completely honest with him in the beginning.

Grace chuckles at you while you eat like a dog.

"Here. I'm done. Let's go." You tell them.

"When was the last time you took a shower." Grace asks and you cringe to yourself at not remembering when you showered last.

You shake your head and close the pod over you.

You had to get to Neyt, your Neyt, hopefully still your Neyt after you tell him.


"Y/N! Wake up!" You hear Neyt voice distantly but becomes more clearly as you come to it.

You lay in his arms as he holds you. Once your eyes open your body wakes up. Neyt puts you down when you start moving.

Your eyes widen at the sight. Running closer you jump and wave.

"Hey! Stop! Go back! Stop!" You try to tell them but they don't stop.

Neyt and you stumble back when they keep moving.

"Go!" You tell him. He frowns angrily, telling you he's not leaving you. You push him to leave, telling him you have an idea. He reluctantly agrees and runs the other way before you, trusting you.

I See You (Male Neytiri x reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora