~ Chapter 44 ~

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Four days later, Judith wanted to scream. The day she had come back to the set, there was chaos. It seemed like Angel was a dick and had been since he got back, and no one could figure out why. And of course, everyone was feeding off that, so everyone else was being dicks. What was worse was that Judith tried talking to everyone about what was going on. When they all pointed to Angel, she didn't know what to do.

So, later on that first day, she walked over to him while he was at the machine, getting a drink. She stood right next to him and waited a good minute while he stared straight ahead, ignoring her. She knew that he knew she was there, but not a peep. And after he leisurely popped open the can of soda and took a long drink, did he walk away, not saying a word.

The following morning, she tried talking to him again. But instead of ignoring her, he flat out fucking told her to leave him the fuck alone. That since she played her cards, she didn't get to talk to him. When he said they were done, they were done. And that meant keeping their distance on set as well.

She was fully ready for that, of course. She knew he was hurt, she was too, even if it was her own doing. But that didn't mean he had to be a jerk about it. At least not like that and not with everyone else either. She was only trying to figure out how to make things right, or to make him not be so nasty, but he wasn't giving her the chance. She tried once more, but the growl he gave before she even got within ten feet of him let her know that it was no use. And the friendship they had on set before they left was gone. Everyone picked up on that and stopped talking to her about him because she was useless in helping.

Not only that though, but he was also ignoring her when it came to work. The scene they were working on was a simple scene, the start of the lovemaking. But he wasn't looking at Molly like how Judith wanted; how the story demanded it. So, she would stop it, try to direct him with the help of the director, and get stared at it as if she was housing two heads by him. Then, they would call action and he would fuck it up all over again. So, yeah, she wanted to scream.

Sure, she could take some of the blame, but not all of it. And yes, he had a right to be hurt and upset, but this, this was past that. This was just downright dickish and if he kept it up, no one in Hollywood would work with him. Truthfully, she couldn't even take all the blame either. This wasn't all her doing. Not that she could express that. So, with a deep breath, she tried getting his attention.

"Angel," she called. He stood up but didn't bother turning around to look at her. Which irked the shit out of her. Honestly, she would have never pegged him to be this way. "That's not how the scene goes. You need to look at her like you're longing for her, not like you want to strangle her. I'm not sure what's going on, but you're not being the actor I need you to be." With that, he turned to glare at her.

"Don't give me that bullshit, Judith," he snarled, and she struggled not to roll her eyes. Sadly, she didn't need others to tell her how he was being. "I'm fucking fine and my acting is fine. I'm not your God damn puppet to pull the strings on." He glanced over her shoulder at someone, glaring at them. "Get her off the fucking set if you want me to work." With that, he stormed off the set, leaving her alone. She ran her hand over her face, taking a shaky breath.

"Judith?" She turned, looking at the woman before her. This was the person that Angel glanced at.


"I'm Jill, why don't you come with me?" Judith fought to keep her composure. This was the woman who told her to end what she had with Angel.

"What the hell do you want?" Judith asked, crossing her arms. The woman looked around, pleading with Judith.

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