~ Chapter 39 ~

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"You're quiet." Judith looked up at Angel from her sandwich and shook her head, finally taking another bite.

"I'm not."

"You are. You have been for the last two days. Want to tell me what's going on?" Judith mentally sighed. He was right, she had been. And they had a day off so Angel asked her to come over, have a quiet lunch, and they could lounge in his pool. Or well, he could. She wasn't getting in a swimsuit; he just didn't know that yet. "Does this have anything to do with the event the other night?"

"No," she quickly denied it, but he lifted a brow. Okay, so maybe it was. She wasn't going to express it though. And she tried really hard to get over it, but she was struggling this go around with it.

The comments were a lot harsher and more in-depth than she wanted to read, and it bruised her ego. The world was loving Molly and Angel. And after she wiped the tears clean the other night, she could see them. They were utterly perfect for each other. Molly was lighter but still, a light golden brown that only highlighted Angel's features more. Whereas Judith was just too damn white, glaringly so at times she felt.

"So, we're gonna lie, is that?" She glanced up from her plate and looked at him.

"I'm not lying."

"Bullshit, Judith. I saw the comments those magazines were saying. Talking about how she and I look stunning together and the world is craving us more and more. And asking why she and I aren't more. I saw them all."

"So? I know what you said Angel, I do. And I believe you."

"But?" he countered, and she stood up from the table, waving her hands.

"But the world wants you two together. The world, the fans, the press, they all love Anglly, which is the dumbest nickname ever. They ought to fire whoever came up with it." Angel snorted but crossed his arms as he watched her.

"Are you done?"

"No! Beyond that, the company wants you together. So, you know what that leaves?"

"Tell me."

"That leaves the others in the dark, in the dust, looking sad and hopeless."

"Wow," was all he said before he stood. She almost smiled as she thought he might side with her, might agree. But the glint in his eyes had her swallowing hard. "You're unfuckingbelieveavble, do you know that?"

"W...what?" she stuttered, rather stunned by that comment.

"Did you even hear yourself right now, Judith? Them," he told her, waving his hand to the window and the door, "them, the outside people, want her and me together. Do you think I want her and me together? Do you think I want to stick my dick in her and fuck her senseless? Do you think I want to shove her against a wall, fall to my knees, and then eat her like she's the best God damn dessert I ever had? Do you think I want to grab her face and kiss her like my life depended on it? Do you think I want to hold her, tickle her, laugh with her, and enjoy what moments I can with her?"

"I...." but she was at a loss for words. Because she got it. Again. And it was a slap. Again. She didn't need it anymore.

"That's what I thought. You. You don't think, do you? You just go off of what you feel without really trying to understand."

"I do. I tried really fucking hard, thank you. I do believe you, but when it's slap after slap, don't you think it's hard? You're always in the spotlight though, so what the hell would you get about understanding people's feelings, huh?"

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