Year 4 Part 1

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Leo's P.O.V

It's been kind of weird seeing Remus at our house, but with him and dad having a baby, it makes sense. Uncle Sirius has been trying to baby proof everything, and dad is only four  months pregnant. Harry has also been put under Uncle Sirius' custody, so we're happy we get to spend more time with him. Me and Aurora are happy to be getting a younger sibling, but everyone is worried it's going to be a werewolf. Letters from the ministry came, and they sent us tickets to the Quidditch World Cup.

There were enough tickets for the five of us, the Weasleys, Harry, and Hermione. Dad was happy when we got the tickets and has been planning everything. Him and Mrs. Weasley is gonna stay behind because he doesn't know if it will be safe to use a portkey while pregnant. We were all currently heading towards the Burrow to get ready for the game tomorrow. 


Regulus's P.O.V

"Alright, now that we are at the Burrow, does everyone know their sleeping arrangements?" I asked them.

"Yep. Fred, George, Bill, and Charlie will stay in their room. Me, Ron and Harry will stay in Ron's room. Percy in his room, and You, Remus, and Uncle Sirius will stay in Bill and Charlie's room." Leo told me.

"Are you sure you don't want to go Reggie you were a seeker for Slytherin, plus you love quidditch." Remus asked me.

"I just don't think that taking a portkey while pregnant will be a smart idea, plus it will give you more time to bond with Leo and Aurora as their future stepdad, Mooney." I said to him and kissed his cheek.

"Alright, we'll tell you the outcome of the match. I know you are rooting for Ireland to win love." he told me and kissed the tip of my nose. we all soon went to bed, and I was so relieved because my feet are already starting to get swollen. 


Me and Molly we walking to each of the rooms to wake the kids up. "Come on guys, wake up and get dressed." I told them. 

"Five more minutes, dad, please." Leo said. 

"Not five more minutes wake up now, or you'll miss the whole match." I told them.

They finally got up, and I went to wake the girls. I knocked on the door, and to my surprise, all three of them were up and ready. "Hey dad, we'll be down in a few minutes." Aurora told me as they finished packing their bags to take with them. A few minutes later, they all came downstairs and grabbed something to eat before heading out. I kissed Mooney as he left, and then Aurora and Leo were on their foreheads. Then I hugged Siri, and they left.

"So, what's the plan while everyone is gone, Regulus?" Molly asked me as I sat down at the table.

"Will after having morning sickness and swollen feet, I think I might just go back up and rest, plus the baby is pushing against my bladder a lot." I told her.

"That's understandable, I've had seven kids within eleven years, so I know how difficult it is, plus with you having Aurora and Leo, you kind of already have experience being pregnant." She told me.

"I know but this one feels different, I know Mooney is scared of having a baby that has his condition, but I have to reassure him over and over again that I'll love him and this baby no matter if their a werewolf or not." I said.

"Have you and Remus planned anything yet like a baby shower and made the nursery?" She asked me.

"Not yet. we don't even know the gender of the baby yet, but I suspect it's a boy." I told her, putting a hand on my baby bump.

"Will if you need any baby clothes, I have plenty that I can give you." Molly said.

"That's nice of you, Molly. I appreciate it. I was also wondering if you could help me plan a baby shower." I told her.

"I would be honored to do that for you, Regulus. I'll make sure it will be perfect for the baby." She said very excitedly.

"Thank you, but nothing too over the top, I want to try and keep it simple." I told her.

"Alright, but I make no promises on it not being over the top." She told me.

I started to yawn because of how early I had to get up, so I told her I'm gonna head back up to bed.


Remus's P.O.V

I hate that Reggie couldn't come, but I know his caution it reminds me of when he first told me about him being pregnant. I was freaking out and told him that I was scared that the baby would inherit my condition. He calmed me down and told me he wasn't ever going to leave me, and our baby, and he didn't care if the baby did get my condition. He'll love them no matter what.

We eventually made it to the portkey, and I'm kind of glad that Reggie didn't have to deal with the spinning. We made it to the tent and then up to the stadium. Ireland ended up winning, and we ended up heading back to the tent. It was fun getting to spend time with everyone, but I'm really looking forward to having my mate back in my arms.


Aurora's P.O.V

I was upset that dad wasn't going to be coming with us but understood his reasoning. Getting to spend more time with Remus and Uncle Sirius is so much fun they took me and Leo to get a souvenir for dad so that he could have something even though he couldn't come. Dad, Remus, and Uncle Sirius recently got me a dress and Leo, and Harry, some dress robes because of something happening at Hogwarts this year. It's going to be weird not seeing dad every day in class. 

All of us heard a loud noise going on outside. We saw it was death eaters. 

"Fred, George. Ginny and Aurora, are your responsibilities to get to the portkey in the woods now." Arthur told them as they grabbed mine and Ginny's hands. Leo went with Harry Ron and Hermione, and we found them later after everything died down. We ended up heading back to the burrow where dad ran to us and hugged us very tightly.


Regulus's P.O.V

I ran and hugged Leo and Aurora tightly, "Thank Merlin, you guys are safe." I said and kissed their foreheads. I then hugged Siri and went over to Mooney, and we wrapped our arms around each other. He pulled me in close, and we kissed. "we heard what happened with the death eaters. I'm just glad you all came home safely." I said, burying my head into his chest. He placed a hand on my belly, and the baby was starting to kick. We all soon sat down and ate, then went back up to bed to take the kids to the platform tomorrow.

We made it to the platform, and I hugged Leo and Aurora before sending them on the train while Sirius hugged Harry. We waved them goodbye and went back home to Grimmuald place.


The start of the Goblet of Fire is so exciting. Regulus is four months pregnant because him and Remus left in May at the end of Prisoner of Azkaban. Anyways I hope you have enjoyed it and let me know what you think. I know I didn't add everything that happened in the Quidditch World Cup to this, but that is because the goblet of fire is so long, but I hope you enjoyed

Regulus Black Hogwarts Professor (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now