Year 1 Part 2

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Regulus P.O.V
I was walking down the corridors to my classroom to get it ready for the first day. 'I know it's somewhere in this bag, but where.' I think to myself outloud.

"Looking for something, Reggie," Severus said, scaring me as I jumped.

"If you must know Sev, I'm looking for my planner, so I have my schedule and plans for each of my classes." I told him.

He just gave me a look, smiled, and nodded. Me and Severus are friends, and we help each other with our potions from time to time.

"You still use a planner, I make sure to do the same thing each year." He said to me .

"I like making things more exciting for the first years. That way, they will look forward to coming to my class every day. This is also why I have a planner to make sure I have everything." I told him until I found it between some books.

"I found it, I can finally stop panicking now. Oh, that scared me for sure. I thought that I would be completely unprepared for this year." I said relived.

Severus chuckled a little, then said his goodbyes, and we both walked to our separate classrooms. I was making some last-minute arrangements, and when I got done, the students started to arrive. I let them in to sit down. Harry, Ron, and Leo were five minutes late, but I didn't take off any points.

I simply caught them up in the potion and let them do the rest. I walked around to every student to help them anyway that I could until I heard an explosion and sighed.

"Mr. Longbottom, can you please escort Mr. Finnigan to the hospital wing." I said as I checked Seamus over and dismissed class so that I could clean up the mess.

I noticed that Leo and Aurora stayed behind to help me clean up.

"You both don't have to help me clean up, and besides, it's lunchtime. You two should be on your way to the great hall." I told them

"We know, but helping you clean up is more fun. Plus, it means we can spend more time with you while you're working, " Aurora told me, and Leo agreed.

I smiled at them and said, "Then let's make a game out of it. If either of you can clean up this mess before I finish grading the potions, then I'll let you go to Hogsmeade with me when the third years go, and I'll teach you a move I learned while being a seeker." The both grew competitive now and had evil smirks on their faces.

Both of them wanted to know what I learned playing Qudditch so that they could try out for the teams next year. While I was grading the potions, they both decided to practice the Charms and jinxes on each other.

I looked up for a split second and saw Aurora helping Leo with his wand technique.

'They're are so much like me and Barty were at that age. They also remind me of me and Sirius with them being competitive.' I thought to myself as a chuckled lightly at them.

Once everything was done, I walked with them to lunch. They went and sat by their friends as I was getting ready to help with study hall 'a free study period for the students during the day.'

(Short Time skip)

Gramps, aka Dumbledore, told me about Leo and Harry sneaking out at night to find the mirror. So I went to go check on them.

"Dumbledore said you'd both be here." I said, accidently scaring the two.

Leo and Harry looked at me embarrassed. But Harry told me that he saw his parents, while Leo saw me him Aurora and a man looking like a full family. I looked at them, both with a few tears coming from my eyes.

They then asked me what I saw in the mirror. "What I see is me with Leo and Aurora just spending good quality family time together playing Qudditch." I told them as I took them back to their common room.
I know it's a short chapter, but I want to try and make sure not to leave some details out. I know what I'm going to write in years 3 and 4, but I have no idea about year 2. P.S. all years will be in this story. anyways I hope you enjoyed it so far

Regulus Black Hogwarts Professor (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now