Chapter 51: Codename: Arcturus

Start from the beginning

"He gave up his golden powers!?" Pythor asked

"Yes...Sukina told me...As she doesn't doubt this plan" The overlord snarls

Pythor looked at her. as she walked away.


The ninja works in Borg Tower to search for the Nindroids.

"Any update on the search?" Garmadon asked coming from the elevator

"Our cameras haven't picked up any trace of Pythor or Borg, but the ninja are in the field where we don't have eyes." Wu response

Garmadon walks to a broad "Project Arcturus?" he questions.

"Two days ago, Zane and P.I.X.A.L. intercepted a coded message. Something with the codename "Project Arcturus"." Wu said as he and his brother walked toward the postman, who was figuring out a code

"I think I may have made a discovery." He rearranges the words. "Carrot Cup Juster."

"What's a "juster?" Wu asked

The Postman responds with " I don't know. Yet."

"Keep looking, I don't think that's it." Wu encouraged

"Arcturus. Long ago, didn't we face a Serpentine general by that name?" Garmadon said 

"Indeed we did, brother. They even named a celestial zodiac after him. We're not sure how they are related." Said Wu

Garmadon hears the alarm beeps. "What in Ninjago's name is that?

"Our facial recognition software picked up someone," Pixal answered

They zoomed in on the footage and saw Cryptor

"My analysis can only presume they're using Borg to build something," Zane said

"But what?" Pixal questions, confused

"We need to know where those trucks are headed Wu ordered "Find me the nearest ninja."

At Ninjago cinema, Jay, Cole, and Nya take their seats, where they watch Starfarer.

"Fear? Fear isn't a word where I come from."

"I love Fritz Donnegan movies," Jay exclaimed

"Samurai in space? Really? Who writes this baloney?" Cole complained

"Could you please be quiet?" Dan said 

Jay and Cole try to get popcorn but touch each other.



"Shh!" Dan hissed

 "Hey, it wasn't my idea to go on a double date to decide between you two. The least you could do is be on your best behavior." Nya said slightly angry at the moment her bracelet beeps.

"We're trying to watch the movie, Could you please be quiet?" they complained

"Please turn off all phones and devices." The robot said

"Oh, right. Heh. Sorry," Nya apologized before she turned it off.

Back in brogs tower Zane said

 "They're not picking up. Kai is the nearest in proximity."

"And they should be able to get there quickly in the Prototype X-1 and ChronoRider Y2K

"Good, but tell them not to engage. We can't let them know they're being followed." Wu instructed and Pixal nodded

-Kai and Anna-

Kai and Anna are at a shop with their vehicles parked outside. Anna went to get a drink when a blonde came to sit with Kai, And he started flirting with her.

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