Pull Me From This Hell

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"The moon is nothing but a shadow of your beauty."

A giggle, blood rushing up to the cheeks.

"Stop, young man. You exaggerate a lot."

"Oh, but I don't."

A gentle, soothing touch near the eyes.

Oh, those beautiful, beautiful eyes.

"I am a free man, love, and that allows me to express my honest thoughts."

Another giggle, that mellifluous sound.

"We will get to witness the moon's beauty together forever, right?"

"We will, and the moon will witness us together forever too."

Warm touches, a safe embrace.

Sly fingers sneaking around the torso and those melodious giggles again.

"Stop! That tickles!"

"Where are you running off to? You can never escape my arms, not in this life, not in any other."

And he is running, running, running away.

It all fades into a gloomy hour, clouds looming in the sky, the winds picking up, thunder roaring and nature howling, and he is going..

Take me with you.
Take my hands.

A vicious grip.



Immense LoveTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon