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Taehyung had seen a number of stunning people in his life. Being an idol, it was a given. There were so many other idols out there who looked as if they were sculpted by the divines, their beauty soothing to eyes. This day, however, Taehyung would never forget, the day he had seen the most ethereal human on this earth.

Hoseok had called him, asking him to sit with them. Jeon Jungkook. That name did things to him, things he couldn't explain at all. The said man had turned on his heels then, and Taehyung had felt as if his breath was whooshed out of his lungs. That person couldn't possibly be a human, he ought to be an angel who had come to earth for some reasons unknown to them humans.

Then Jungkook had greeted them both, and oh, Taehyung was gone the second he had heard that voice spell out his name. Jungkook's voice was ambrosial, it was saccharine, it was the voice of angles dipped in honey, it was spellbinding, it was overwhelming. Taehyung had decided to keep quiet from the moment his hyung had started conversing with Jungkook, because he didn't want to interrupt, he reasoned. Deep down, however, he knew he had not spoken a single word because he had wanted to hear that voice for as long as possible.

Finally, when Jungkook had asked what they had wanted his help with, Taehyung had spoken up,

"A collab. I am one collaboration behind, and we have been looking for a good artist to collaborate with. I think the search stops here, though."

Then Jungkook turned his head towards him, and Taehyung's breath was punched out of his guts once again. Jeon Jungkook was beautiful, gorgeous, ethereal, stunning, breathtaking. Taehyung realised there was no word which could describe a beauty like Jungkook accurately.

His eyes, those round and cute, absolutely perfect eyes. Taehyung would swim in those dark pools for an eternity if allowed to, he would worship this man till his last day if the said man would allow him to. His button nose, the slope of it, then his lips. Those pink lips. Never once had he noticed another person's features this closely.

Taehyung knew he was gay, but he had just realised the force of his attraction. However, he realised he must be looking like a creep, he was thinking like one too, staring at Jungkook's face openly in broad daylight.

He was about to start speaking again when he realised, with glee, that Jungkook had been staring at him too, eyes flitting over the features of his face, dancing between his eyes and lips.
This is the best day of my life. Taehyung thought, and then waved his hands infront of the other man's eyes. That seemed to have brought Jungkook out of whatever daze he was in, and before he could speak again and leave him thoughtless once again, to collect his strewn emotions and not melt into a puddle because of all the staring, he decided to say

"I know I am handsome, Jeon, but you don't have to stare me down outright on our very first meet." Taehyung gave himself a pat on his back, not literally, for speaking those words without stuttering like some lovesick fool. He liked having control over his emotions, and he was not going to let a divine being snatch the control from him.
His words seemed to have a very adverse effect on Jungkook. The man scrambled to think of something to say, moving his hands around a little.

"I am really sorry Mr.Taehyung. That was very rude of me, please forgive me this once. I am ashamed of it." He said hastily, and Taehyung realised he was probably nervous as well. Jungkook looked cute while he was nervous. Soon realising that the man infront of him was actually panicking, Taehyung hurriedly tried to assure him, and take the conversation further.

"Oh no, please, I am not actually affected or something. It's alright, really. I was just joking to lighten the air. You seem to be a little tense. And please call me Taehyung, hyung if that's what you prefer, and I hope I'll be allowed to address you by just your name too."

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