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The faraway hum of the moving vehicles echoed in the air, adding to the many sounds enveloping the small cafe surrounded by lines of trees and flowers.

The flowing winds rustled the trees and the leaves danced to the rhythm of it, singing along a song which spoke of happiness like none other.

The cafe was lit with gentle fairy lights which gave a faint glow to it even in the blazing sunlight. The atmosphere dripped of saccharine, bringing along a sense of faint heartache and light nostalgia.

The nature seemed happy. It felt as if it were welcoming something long gone.

Some people stared out of the window, while others chatted among themselves inside the cafe.

On the gravel path leading to the entrance of the cafe, the winds and petals of flowers twirled around, pirouetting to a melodious song only souls could hear. Soon, a worn out and torn paper, ages old and barely alive, joined the miracle of nature which made the winds pause. A dog with golden fur came pouncing on it, almost ripping apart the delicate piece of paper.

The small bit of paper landed on the ground gently, the writing on it facing the vast blue sky.

On the land and in the sky of my breathes, rain has been brought.
In a single nap, I've dreamed a hundred dreams of you.
Immense, immense love is what I feel for you..
I love you immensely, immensely.

                    - Your Love.  


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