Episode 21: Kill the Carnage.

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Episode 21: Kill the Carnage.

The scene now cuts to Jeagers base as Kurome is cleaning her sword.

Wave: This place got a whole lot emptier. Kurome, is your body really okay?

Kurome: There are no issues.

Just then Run enters the room as he gives meal.

Run: Here you go. I don't know if it's as good as what Bols used to make. Have you heard, Wave? Supposedly, the minister has created an elite unit he directly supervises.

Wave: Seems that way.

Run: Captain Esdeath is away on an expedition. And the Jeagers are down half of what we started with.

Wave: But isn't that exactly why we should be the ones on the front lines? Why would they put us on standby?

Run: This must mean the capital has more than one central figure.

Wave: What the hell are they thinking?! At times like these, we should unite to stop the rebel army in their tracks!

He says as Kurome finishes her meal.

Kurome: Seconds.

Wave: So fast! Man, as always, you're bottomless pit.

He says as Run gives kurome her second.

Run: Here you are.

He says giving her as she starts eating again and camera switches to capital as Tatsumi and Lubbock are hidding while soliders are walking through the middle of town.

Tatsumi: The soliders are being sent out again.

Lubbock: Yeah, the capital's gonna be a battle zone soon, too.

Tatsumi: We'll take advantage of that commotion, sneak into the palace, and kill the minister.

Lubbock: You've steeled your resolve, right, Tatsumi?

Tatsumi: Of course I have. But I want as few civillian casualties as possible. So the sooner we defeat minister, the better.

Lubbock: Well said. Now, then... It's almost time to meet the resistance. Let's go.

He says as camera switches to servers.

Mine: I'm suprised they made such a complicated underground channel.

Leone: As the capital flourished, it probably became bigger and bigger. Pointlessly. And it was managed so poorly there aren't any accurate maps.

Mine: But thanks to their carelessness, we can use it in our plans.

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