Episode 19: Rescue mission.

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(3rd pov)

The scene starts as y/n waking up.

Y/n: Since they're arriving today to the capital side where path od Peace building base is i guess it's time to save Bols family.

He says as he walks out of the tent as he looks at the view at the capital.

Y/n: *sigh* now that i remember i promised her that i would take her to mission. So i think this will be good opportunity for it.

(A/n opening music here or opening chapter for part 2)

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Episode 19: Rescue mission.

The scene now switches to the shadow garden base as Bols is walking behind Beta as they arrive at the room where the rest of shades are.

Alpha: Thank you for bring Bols here, Beta.

Beta: It's nothing. Bols for the mission to rescue your family Lord Shadow gather all the shades here.

Bols: Oh, em... Thank you all for helping with that.

Epsilon: That isn't an issue. Besides it's  his order to help you.

Bols: I see.

He says as y/n enters the room in shadow outfit.

Y/n: Sorry for the wait. I had to get someone for mission who would help us.

Zeta: Who is it, Master?

She says as y/n gestures as someone comes inside the room.

She says as y/n gestures as someone comes inside the room

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Y/n: Her name is Victoria. She'll assist me on this mission. So now i thinks its time to discuss the plan.

Shades: Roger.

Shadow Ga Kill! (Akame ga kill x male reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt