Chapter 20: The Devils Curtain Call

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"Coming from the one who killed billions, I really shouldn't be surprised by that answer." Allistair spoke for a second before suddenly lunging forward into the air, raising his axe high above his head. "But hearing you say that so casually pisses me the fuck off!" He screamed while slashing the axe down at Atroz.

Dodging to the side, Atroz watched as the axe hit the ground, destroying the street and sending concrete chunks flying into the air. A piece of concrete obstructed his view for a moment as he raised his sword into the air. He then slashed through the concrete, his sword releasing a slash of energy which vaporized everything in front of him.

When the energy cleared Atroz analyzed his surroundings only to see nothing before him. "Over here." He heard Allistair call from behind. Turning his head in no rush, he saw Allistair standing a couple feet away with his back turned to him. At Allistair's feet was Lone Star and Ian, a pinkish red flame made of energy covering all their wounds.

"You're stronger than I remember." Atroz stated while turning around to face Allistair.

"This girl, Lina, has potential like none I've seen before." Allistair turned his head to look down at Ian. "It's a shame this fool wasn't capable of training her to utilize it. But now that I'm the one in control, I can feel my unconscious mind capitalizing on this potential. I feel powerful, much more so than when I was alive in my own body."

Allistair raised his axe and pointed it at Atroz while turning around to face him. "It feels good."

"Done taking yet?" Atroz asked after beginning to walk towards Allistair.

Without a word Allistair dashed forward, dragging his axe through the ground before slashing it up at Atroz. Utilizing how the axe was already in motion, he spun around after Atroz dodged and slashed the axe at him horizontally. A slash of red energy released from the blade of the axe slicing the top of every car still left on the street.

"Stronger" Atroz loomed over Allistair from behind. "To no significance."

Before Allistair could turn around, Atroz punched him in the face with his left hand, sending him stumbling away. Unable to regain composure in time, Allistair took a slash of red energy right to the chest. Even with the exosuit taking the brunt of the damage, the slash still left Allistair bleeding with a small wound on Lina's chest.

"That would have killed me if I hadn't activated overdrive earlier." Allistair thought to himself casually before phasing above Atroz. Swinging his axe down, he managed to slash the blade into Atroz's shoulder.

Not that the blade did much damage as it was unable to pierce far into Atroz's flesh. Seeing this, Allistair tried to jump back, but was caught when Atroz grabbed him by the leg. Yanking Allistair into the air, Atroz slammed him back down into the ground, breaking the ground under him.

After letting go of Allistair, Atroz raised his foot back into the air, preparing to stomp on the struggling Allistair. But before he could, a beam of yellow energy hit him in the chest causing him to phase backward. Jumping back off the ground, Allistair back up to Lone Star, who was standing with rifle in hands.

"How?" Lone Star questioned upon seeing Allistair's signature weapon.

"I could be asking you the same." Allistair responded.

Before the two had a chance to speak any longer, Atroz phased right up behind them. Allistair blocked a downward slash from Atroz, allowing Lone Star to get behind him and fire at Atroz. Atroz moved his head slightly to avoid the beam of yellow energy while applying pressure on Allistair's axe.

The sheer pressure being applied from Atroz onto Allistair caused the ground beneath Allistair to crumble. This caused Allistair to lose his balance, allowing Atroz to grab him by the throat and toss him at Lone Star. Moving to the side Lone Star caught Allistair's hand, and spun around, sending him back at Atroz.

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